Todays the day!

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I get to the show and I saw a black limo pull up beside the curb. My heart dropped as I saw it pull up. I froze in spot,I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO. Calm down y/n it's okay it's just p1harmony it's not like it's the mafia coming to find you. I took a deep breath and turned around trying not to make it obvious I know exactly who they are.

I pretended I was on the phone so I could admire them in secret and not seem like a crazy fan. A man got out of the limo I assumed it was the staff. He opened the door. OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING. I tried to pull myself together the best I could when keeho got out of the car.

Oh my god he was so beautiful.

(Let's pretend he just got out of a car ok? Ok)

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(Let's pretend he just got out of a car ok? Ok)

The rest of the members got out of the car. My hands betrayed me.... I DROPPED MY PHONE.
FUCK FUCK FUCK I cursed myself embarrassed that I just DROPPED my PHONE infront of P1 MOTHER FUCKING HARMONY.
It's ok just breath.

I heard talking it was Intak and Theo. I guess they thought I couldn't understand Korean but I did.I learned it at a young age to "expand my horizons". "did she just drop her phone" said intak "I think so, that sucks" Theo chuckled as they walked into the building.

I picked up my phone that now has multiple cracks on it. shit. I walked in and checked in. I headed to my dressing room and got into my outfit.

(Look for your own outfit I don't get paid for this)

I walk to the backstage with my AirPods in. "Good luck" I wish the girl before me knowing that's what I would want when I'm going on.

I listen to the song once again while the girl before me goes on stage. "Where is she" I say looking at the crowed looking for Veronica. " I spot her with popcorn and a hot dog finding a seat" I smile and go back to my music zoning out. A girl I suppose she works there taps me on the shoulder and tells me I'm going on in a minute.

Man. I thought school presentations where bad. My heart pounded. You got this. I took a selfie for my Instagram and took of my jacket.

I took a shakey breath as the girl walked of the stage and gave me a high five. My name was called and I walked out. Everyone clapped and I looked straight at keeho. BIG MISTAKE.

I started sweating. The song started and I started to move across the stage. I loved this . I'm in my element and I can do this.

Before I knew it the bridge came I walked dragging my feet to the other end of the stage. "Just breath".

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