Holy shit

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Y/N L/N you froze in your spot having no idea what to do. Once you snapped out of it you where reciving your prize. "Holy shit" you spat out trying to find words. it was a p1harmony concert and you didnt have to pay a dime. "HOLY SHIT" you yelled and jumped up and down you did not care about who was watching.

Calming yourself down before you passed out p1harmony came to you and one by one gave you a hug each giving you a "great job!". Jeongseob, Soul, Intak, Jiung, Theo and then Keeho as he hugged you the smell of his perfume filled your nose almost making you fall to your knees.

Regaining balance you fixed yourself up and walked off the stage to meet Veronica. You already knew what was coming. "Y/NNNNN" you heard your best friend say as she gave you a huge hug.

"YOU WON!!" she said like you didnt already know." I KNOWWWW" you yelled. "BESTIE HE👏🏽HUGGED👏🏽YOU👏🏽" she yelled " OMG HE WAS SO WARM" you remarked.

After you and Veronica finished having yet another fangirl moment you had to go. "I can drive you home if you want?" Veronica offered. "Sure, wanna get icecream on the way back to celebrate?" You said starting to walk to the door.

"Did you even have to ask, DUH"  Veronica says while opening the door for you. You giggle and walk out towards her car. Once you guys are in the car you connect your phone to the radio. Veronicas car was so nice. It was a rolls-Royce with heated seats and leather covers the outside was black but the inside was white.

Veronica was pretty wealthy and always had money on her. If you ever needed money she had it for you. But you also paid her back everytime even though she said not to it just felt right.

You opened spotify and pressed shuffle on the playlist "vibing with v".  Run bts started to play on the speakers and yall sung your hearts out laughing and singing. When sugas rap came veronica stopped and let you have your moment. Yall got to Mcdonalds to get your ice cream.

You guys ate and headed back to your house veronica said bye and so did you. "Wow. Today was...something" you sighed. After you got changed and took off your makeup you put your bonnet on and fell right asleep.

4:37 AM
*buzz* *buzz* *buzz*
What the hell. You said confused why your phone is buzzing. Not reading the name on the top of the screen you pressed the green button with a tired "hello?" The person on the other line says "hello is this y/n?" In a soft tone. Hold  on i know that voice..."y/n? Are you there?" the person says sounding worried.

THATS.MOTHER.FUCKING.KEEHO. "um. Yeah im here" you say trying to contain the fact that KEEHO JUST CALLED YOU. "Oh ok um well i just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out sometime. If you want im not forcing you or anything" he said sounding a little embarrassed "oh...um id love to!" You exclaim exited as HELL.

"Ok um just text me your adrress ill pick you up at 6:00?" Keeho asks. "Sounds great! See you then". "Alright well bye then" he says as he hangs up.



ok calm down y/n. Just go back to sleep and deal with this in the morning. You lay down and close your eyes eventually drifting of into your sleep.

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