before the party

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you rented out a huge club for your birthday. v took everything so serious probably more serious then her own birthday. you where still at your house getting ready when keeho called you. you picked up the phone and greeted him with a "hellooo" "hey babe you almost ready me and the guys are about to leave" he said while you heard the car door open and close. "um yeah ill be ready in about 20 minutes" "20 minutes standard time or 20 minutes y/n time?" you rolled your eyes " standard i just need to get changed and take like the 2000 pictures my mom wants i should be ready when you get there" "okay okay ill see you in 20 minutes then " "okay bye babe" "bye beautiful" 

you two haven't gotten around to the i love you thing yet. but you did love him it's just that you kinda wanted him to say it first so that you wouldn't be pushing anything or speeding things up to fast. You hoped he loved you too. It has been a  couple months since you guys started officially dating but that's just how you've always been. with every guy you've ever dated you started loving them and developing deeper feelings than they did to quick. "Y/N HURRY UP" your moms voice snapped you from your thoughts. "ill be down in a second!" you finished getting ready and headed down the stairs to your mom standing therein her favourite yellow and orange floral dress that fell just below her knees. "awe my baby's so grown up!" your mom says as she goes straight in for a hug. "mama your gonna make me cry, stopp" you pleaded as your mom just hugged you tighter. 

After about 10 minutes of your mom retelling you all your accomplishments like you weren't there you heard the doorbell ring "ill get it ma you just stay here" that was 100% a ploy to get out of that conversation. you made your way over to the door and opened it. "XENO!" you basically screamed and jumped on him giving him the biggest hug ever "woah, whats up squirt!" he teased. ever since you guys where kids he called you squirt. no matter what he was always taller than you.You where always confused because everyone said that girls where supposed to grow faster than boys but there was always at least a 5 inch difference in your height. Not to mention how much taller than you he was now.Both of you being adults and you being done growing while he was like 6 foot 1000.

"I missed you so much!" you said in so much excitement. he was basically your brother  you two had grown up together and neither of you had felt what it was like to have siblings, but he left a couple years ago to go serve in the military. you missed him more than missed his stupid laugh, the way he would jump into a street fight if ANYONE tried it with you, your late night talks on your driveway staring at the stars in the sky on nights when there was no power. "wait, how are you here? don't you have 5 more months?" you asked confused. "i got discharged early just in time for my sisters birthday." he smiled. 

"i heard your birthday party was today." he grinned "YUPP turning 20" you stuck your tongue out referring to a joke that he had said before he left saying you wouldn't make it to 20 without him. "yeah your 20 but you still can" he teased. You rolled your eyes at him and turned to see your mom walking into the room. "hey mama!" xeno said opening his arms for a hug. "hey baby!" your mom said walking up to him and hugging him. your phone started ringing.  it was steph. you looked at the time realizing it had been 25 minutes. "shit." you said under your breath. "hey imma go take this ill be right back" you walked away answering the phone "hey where are you?" he sounded worried. "shit i'm so sorry im still at home i got held up." you answered. "okay just be here soon people are getting impatient, and by people i mean v. shes throwing a fit tight now and i don't have the training to deal with this" he sounded kinda scared. You laughed. "ill be there soon." You promised. 

-Time skip- 

you walked into the building xeno at your side. You looked around the room meeting eyes with steph as he started to walk over to you. "hey babe v is in the kitchen yelling at a microwave right now and im kinda worried." he trembled in fear. You could see xeno's eyebrows raise at his "babe" comment. before anything could happen you spoke "xeno, this is keeho my boyfriend. steph, this is xeno my older brother" you introduced them to each other praying that xeno realized that you grew up and  don't need his boy drama that he endured through all of middle and high school. They shook hands "nice to meet you man." Xeno said with a clenched jaw obviously irritated  but at least trying to hide it. "its nice to meet you too, i've heard a lot about you."  he claimed. "cant say ive heard about you" Xeno mumbled earning a elbow from you and a glare. 

"alright well i should go let v know that i'm here. " you stated. "xeno, behave" you glared at him trying to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and causes tension at your birthday party. You walked into the kitchen and seen v with a clipboard and a pen in her hand. "hey v" you stammered peaking out from behind the door frame. V snapped her head at you thinking  you where someone else who ruined something else. "oh its you, thank god literally no one here knows how to do a simple job" v spat. "alright well i'm here is there anything you want me to do?" you asked trying to make her life a little bit easier. "no no no no you don't do anything just go chill and don't worry about a thing okay your best friend has got your back alright?" she affirmed pushing you out of the kitchen and into the main room to go sit on the couch. 

as you walked out you seen steph and Xeno getting long at the bar. the sight of that made your heart skip a beat. Xeno has never ever like anyone you even showed interest in.  But laughing and joking with them? fuck. Hes so perfect no guy you ever dated couldn't even think of getting on Xenos good side. but in a couple minutes he won him over just like that? god. 



i made this one a little longer because yall deserve it after waiting for so long. I love you guys and stay thick. 


word count: 1188

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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