One small move

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"Ok y/n let's do this" the song came to the dreded part I leaped and closed my eyes hoping that my muscles would do the rest of the work. Run, jump, lean back, legs up, stick. My eyes widened as I stuck it I kept on with the rest of the dance praising myself for what I just did.

As I finished up the dance I heard claps and looked strait at keeho seeing him smiling it me and giving a thumbs up. Veronica with her jaw basically on the floor.

I walked of the stage. As soon as I got off the stage I started panicking because it hit me that I could not win. Like I've practiced for weeks but what if I just lost.

My thoughts where pushed aside as I heard Veronica. I smiled and ran to her. "BITCH OH MY FUCKING GOD YOU DID SO GOOD"she said exited.

"I did?" I thought. "I know" I said smugly. Veronica hit my shoulder playfully "those hot dogs where good want me to get you one?" She asked ya sure I'll be in my changing room.

I heard the announcement that the judges where done deciding who won and they would be announced at 6:30 I changed into my normal outfit getting comfortable because it would be another hour until the winner was announced.

I had to go to the bathroom so I asked a staff member where the girls bathroom is. She pointed down the hall and I thanked her as I went down the hall she pointed to. I heard talking and just ignored it because it wasn't my business.

As I left the bathroom I saw a figure down the hall. "Aw hell nah" you wispered "my black ass is not getting killed today" you said in your head. "I ain't  dying before I get to talk to keeho". Wait..... You squinted your eyes. " oh my god..." IT WAS KEEHO. You froze and started blushing you've  never been this close to him he was like down a hall but the closest I've seen him was by the entrance.

You took a deep breath and started walking over their regretting every step you took. " hey you" keeho called. " shit.shit.shit.shi" you cursed at yourself. " I WAS ALMOST THEREEEE" you said in your head
Remaining calm you said " me?" Questioning if he was really talking to you.

" ya you who else is here" he laughed. "Haha sorry I guess I was just surprised you where talking to me I guess" I basically whispered the last part. " ya well I just wanted to tell you that you did really well and I hope to see more of you" he said looking into your eyes.

" well thanks, you to?" You responded not knowing what the hell to reply back with. "Y/N" You heard Veronica call. You rolled your eyes knowing it was her with the hotdogs. Um well I gotta go see you in a bit" you said with a wave and walked off.

"Alright bye y/n" Keeho said while also walking away. " MY NAME JUST CAME OUT OF KEEHO'S MOUTH" you yelled in your head. "Where were you?" Veronica said after you found her stuffing her mouth full of hot dog. "Talking to keeho" you said nonchalant. Veronica's jaw DROPPED. "You.where.WHAT." She said SHOCKED. "Shhhhhhhh" I hushed her not wanting anyone to hear.

"But ya I did and he's the BEST"  you gushed. "Well what did you talk about" Veronica's curiosity boiling. " he just told me I did really good and that he wants to see more of me" You told her. " ouuuuuuu girllllll" Veronica said poking me. " hush child" You joked. " where's my hot dog" You said hungry.

"Oh here" she pulled out the hotdog and handed it to you. You sat down and you two talked until it was time to announce the winner . You walked onto the stage with all the other contestants.

Keeho stood up and said " you all did very well and I'm sure you know that, but also as you know their can only be one winner" I put my hands together and prayed that I would win.

"So the winner is...."

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