Birthday girl

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Its been 6 months since you and keeho started dating and you couldn't be any happier. he was perfect. he was sweet, caring, loving, cute, funny, and everything you could ever dream of.  he was the sweetest guy ever. He would always come visit you after schedules and most of the time bring you chocolate or flowers. Your birthday was tomorrow and you where so exited. you and v where sitting on your couch making the invitations for the party  since you decided to have it a couple days after your real birthday so that you could spent the real birthday with your family and close friends. 

"girl i'm actually so exited for this party, im finna be throwin it back bro idgaf" v says while starting to dance. you giggled "bro shut up you know damn well your little anti social ass is finna be in the corner with your little red solo cup waiting for me to come over to you" you say while returning to texting the invite you where sending to one of your friends.  "whatever, are we almost done how many more do we have to send?" v yawned. "yeah just this last one and we can go to sleep." you state. 

-your birthday-

you woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes. you walked downstairs to see v sitting at the table eating and opn her phone and keeho putting a big stack of pancakes on a plate (lets just pretend he can cook") . you walked into the kitchen with a "good morning". "hey birthday girl" keeho taunts while putting the pancakes in front of you. "thank you baby" you grinned giving him a peck on the lips. You looked to your side to look at v who currently had half a pancake shoved in her mouth. "slow down girl nobody's chasing you" you laughed earning a chuckle from v almost causing her to choke you laughed and rubbed her back trying to help her swallow the food in her mouth.  a couple moments later keeho sat beside you with his own pancakes in his hand placing it down on the table.

"its delicious baby, thank you" you smiled at him earning a smile back in response. "Thanks for the food but i gotta get home my momma will freak if i'm not home by 11, bye yall" v said while getting up, grabbing her bag and walking out.  "so any plans for the birthday girl?" keeho asked while getting up to put his and your plate away. "i was just gonna stay home tonight and watch some kdramas and eat ice cream " you assumed. "mm so nothing" keeho said with a grin. "yes i guess nothing". "okay then i guess WE are staying in and watching kdramas together"

and thats what you guys did. To be honest it was the best birthday ever. fuck all the presents just being in with keeho and being in each others company was the best party. "oh before i forget.. i have something for you" keeho walked across the room digging for something in his backpack and turning around with his hands behind his back. "ok close your eyes and put your hands out" scared but trusting you did as he said and soon felt something that felt like a small fuzzy box. "okay open your eyes" you opened your eyes to see a box, but not any box. there was a ring in it. "oh nah..." you said in your head "wait before you think what it is its not that.. its a promise ring" e explained before your mind went racing. " oh thank god i was so scared keeho" you sighed. "but i love it, its beautiful" you stared at it not wanting to look away from  it. 

"im glad" keeho said with a smile before kissing you on the cheek. "ok lets keep watching i wanna see if he finds out that shes cheating" keeho smiles "okay" you ggigled putting the ring on your finger and continuing the show

word count: 678 

icl yall..this shit took me a week to write bc i was so lazy but here it is 


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