Coming Out

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Relationship Status: Friends/Crushing

[Sokka has never had feelings for Suki in this and gayness has no labels in their time period]

!! This takes place when the gang is in the Southern Air Temple !!

"Sokka! Wake up." Katara said, kicking her brother. "Ow!" Sokka said, instentley sitting up. "What was that for?" He glanced at his sister. She rolled her eyes at him and began walking away, "You've been sleeping all day. It's 8:00 at night, come and join us around the fire."

Sokka groaned and slowly got up and followed Katara to the rest of the gang.

Aang, Toph, and Zuko were all circled around a fire warming up and talking.

Sokka sat down next to Zuko. To him, Zuko was one of his best friends. They really grew close once he joined the gang. Sokka's heart would flutter in such a weird way when Zuko talked to him. It was hard to explain. Maybe it was some sort of friend thing? He had no idea. The closest guy friend he's ever had was Aang, but they weren't all that close considering the three year age gap.

Zuko looked at Sokka, shooting him a smile. He smiled back as Katara sat down next to Aang and Toph.

"So.." Katara started to talk.. "Anything new going on?" Everyone shook their heads. "Idiot, we're with eachother all day. Nothing new happens unless we all experience something together."

Katara rolled her eyes, "I know. I was just thinking maybe some interesting gossip happened. A crush maybe?"

Toph laughed. "Pfft. And who are we gonna crush on? There's nobody with us but eachother. The only couple in this gang is you and twinkle-toes."

"We are not a couple, Toph." Aang mumbled, slightly blushing. Katara nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and besides. Suki isn't with us." She turned to Sokka, "You still got the hots for Suki?" She said, slightly laughing.

Zuko frowned. He turned to Sokka to see his expression. It wasn't flustered, excited, or happy. Just simply annoyed.

"No. I never had the hots for her?" Sokka raised an eyebrow. Sure, she kissed him on the cheek, but that was about it. "Aang blinked at him. "Are you sure?" Aang leaned back on his hands, "I swear you two had some sort of connection." Sokka shook his head.

Toph shrugged, "Leave bommerang boy alone. Maybe he doesn't even like girls." She grinned.

Sokka's eyes widened. "Of course I like girls!" He crossed his arms.

Toph snorted, "Okay sorry, maybe he doesn't like just girls." She grinned again, only this time bigger. Sokka's face was a blushy mess.

"Oh?" Katara said, "This is news." Aang nodded in agreement as he carefully watched Sokka's movements. He was fidgeting a lot.

Zuko finally spoke up, "Its okay Bud." He began to say, "I like guys and girls too. Nothing to be ashamed of."

Katara's jaw dropped, "What?" She slowly spoke. Zuko turned to her. "Yeah? Wait.. you couldn't tell?"

Toph laughed, "Oh I saw that coming a mile away. I mean I can't even see but the tension you and Sokka have.. Ooo..."

Sokka put his hands in his cheeks, groaning. Zuko's face grew red with blush.

"Now that I think if it.." Aang tapped his chin, "You're right Toph."

Katara blinked. "Wait.. Sokka, are you seriously into men?" Sokka looked at her. He slowly shrugged. "Maybe.. Uh.. I dunno? Why are we even talking about this. Can we talk about something else? Like uh.. Aang, wow, you are surely bald.."

Aang face-palmed.

"Sokka and Zuko sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G-" Toph began to sing. Katara burst out laughing.

Zuko groaned and layed back on the concrete floor, putting his hands up against his face. Sokka buried his head in his arms to hide his blush. Did he really like guys? Did he actually like Zuko? Ughh! It was too confusing.

1 hour later

"I'm going to bed. I'm so done with you people." Zuko said, standing up. Toph laughed, "Bye lover boy!" Katara snickered and Aang smiled a bit.

Sokka glared at them.

"Hey, it's okay Sokka. You can find Zuko attractive. I promise I won't tell." Toph grinned.

Sokka stood up and walked away. The gang laughed as he stormed away to the other side of the temple where their sleeping stuff were.

He stopped in his tracks when he saw Zuko still up, he was sitting on the edge of the temple, looking out at the night sky, playing with his bending every couple seconds.

Sokka walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Hey.." The water tribe boy began to say.

"Hey." Zuko said back. He turned to Sokka. "Listen.. I'm sorry about them. They're really- annoying. I had no idea they would tease you like that." Sokka looked at Zuko. "But uh.. That's cool.. that you like guys."

Zuko smiled, "Ha, it's alright. And thanks, not many people accept me for that." He turned his head and faced the dark sky again.

Sokka did the same. "So.. how many people actually know?" He asked. Zuko thought for a second, "Well.. only a few people. Technically it's forbidden in the Fire Nation.."


"Yeah, but my Uncle knows, Mai knows, she also likes both genders so she really understood me."

"That's it?" Sokka looked at Zuko and raised his eyebrow. Zuko nodded, "If I ever told my father or Azula, I would've been dead. Especially if I ever became fire-lord.. It's part of a royals duty to get married and have children." He paused and sighed, "But you can't do that with the same sex."

Sokka nodded slowly, "Yeah.."He looked away.

"But what about you?" Zuko said making Sokka turn his head back to him. "What about me?" "Are you into guys at all?"

Sokka looked down at his lap. "I.. I dunno. I mean.. I never really thought about it until they brought it up." Sokka leaned back against his hands. "Maybe.. But I don't know many guys, especially ones my age that are attractive." Sokka slowly turned to Zuko who was already looking at him.

"You're the only attractive guy I know." Sokka said. Zuko's heart skipped a beat. Sokka finds me attractive.. Sokka..finds me.. Attractive. He thought.

"Oh.. W-woah." Zuko said, continuing to stare at Sokka.

The blue boy slowly began to realize what he said. "Oh! Oh! No I didn't mean it like that.. Unless you want it to mean that.. Wait.. Uh.." Sokka rambled on making Zuko smile.

He laughed a bit, "Yeah Sokka.." Zuko turned to face the sky, "I think you might be into guys." Sokka blushed. "Yeah.. Maybe.." And he turned to face the sky as well.


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