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Relationship Status: Dating

[This takes place 10 years into the future, Zuko is 26 and Sokka is 25]

Everything has changed ever since Suki passed. Sure, Sokka will miss her, she was his second love, but he knew ever since she asked him to marry her, she wasn't the one.

Two years before hand, Zuko thought his true love was Mai, I mean, they had a daughter together who was now three, but that was all a lie. Mai came out as a lesbian. She demanded a divorce as soon as possible. This broke Zuko's heart but he supported her. He himself was bisexual and Mai was once one too.

Mai didn't want anything to do with their daughter, Izumi. She said it would be too hard for her. So once she moved out, Zuko began raising Izumi alone. For two years, Izumi had one Dad, but that all changed when Zuko had learned his best friend's fiance had passed away. So, he invited Sokka to come live in the palace with him and Izumi, and of course, Sokka gladly said yes.

Present Day

Zuko's POV:

Its now been six months since Sokka started living at the palace with us, 5 months since I started finding him attractive, and 4 months since he asked me to be his boyfriend.

"Daddy!" Izumi said, running up to me with a smile on her face. Sokka followed behind her with a lovable grin. I hugged Izumi, picking her up into my arms as I walked over to Sokka.

"What were you two doing?" I said with a small smile as I kissed Sokka's cheek. He chuckled, "Zumi and I were out at the pond. She was making friends with the duckies." He said as Izumi wrapped her small hands around my neck.

"Dada was making swilly faces to the duckies! Oh daddy, you shoowld have seeemn it!" Izumi said. She has started calling Sokka Dada and it was the cutest thing ever. She doesn't remember Mai at all and I don't plan on telling her about her any time soon.

Every time Sokka got called Dada, he instantly smiled. It was adorable to witness.

"Oh really." I smirked up at Sokka who was smiling wider than I've ever seen him do before. "Mhm!" She said.

"Sounds fun, next time I'll ditch my stupid meeting and hang with you two." I said, leaning down to Izumi's neck and blew raspberries making her giggle.

After a few seconds I stopped, "Come on Sugar, time for a nap." I said, walking down the hall to Izumi's room. She nodded slowly and yawned. Sokka followed us to her bedroom. I layed her down for her nap and walked out of the room to be met with Sokka who was leaning against the wall, smirking.

I walked up to him, "Hey Handsome." I said, wrapping my arms around him. He smiled, "Hey." He said, kissing my cheek. I let go of him and grabbed his hand. "Thank you." I said slowly.

Sokka raised his eyebrow, "For what? Being hot?" He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I laughed, "Yes, but not that. I mean.. thanks for being so awesome with Izumi." I turned to him. We were now walking back to my bedroom.

"Babe." Sokka smiled soflty, "I love that kid, she's amazing. You don't have to thank me." He said, then giving me a kiss on the lips. I kissed back. I slowly opened my bedroom door in front of us and lead us in while we were still kissing. I closed it shut and broke the kiss. I pushed Sokka down on the bed making him smirk.

Sokka whistled, "Fiesty? Are you that hungry? We just had sex yesterday and you're already wanting more." I climbed on top of him, "Shut up." I mumbled against his lips before pressing them together. He hummed in the kiss, slowly opening his mouth, giving me access to his tounge. We fought for domidence and as usual, he won.

Sokka broke the kiss with a grin, "I won. Now lay down on the bed, hotstuff." I nodded and layed back. Sokka slowly got on top of me, he leaned down to my neck and began sucking all over, giving me marks.

"Ah.. Sokka.. We're going to see Aang.. K-katara and Toph t-.. Mhm.. Tomorrow.." I stuttered as he continued sucking and licking. "Yeah, I know. Let them be shocked. They don't know yet." Sokka said as he licked up my neck.

The next day at the Southern Water tribe where the gang agreed to meet up (Aang and Katara's house)

Nobody's POV:

Izumi and Bumi were running around playing together while the five adults all sat down at the dining table together.

"So.." Aang began to say, "How are you doing Sokka, Zuko. After your.. Past lovers.. absence"

Sokka smirked at Zuko making him hit Sokka's leg with his own. "Oh.. I'm doing great. He rubbed his neck which contained 10 hickies at the least. Katara noticed a mark on Zuko's neck. She watched as he stopped rubbing his neck. Her eyes widened.

"Zuko why are there hickies on your neck? Katara said. Aang's eyes widened as he looked as well. Toph burst out laughing," Oh God! I wish I would see this."

"Uh...uh.." Zuko stuttered, looking at Sokka for help only to receive a small grin.

"What girl did that?" Aang asked. He slowly laughed, "Since when were you seeing someone?" Zuko blinked, "Uhm.."

Sokka smirked again. This time Katara saw it. Her face went from laughing to immediately serious. "Sokka why the hell are you laughing.." Zuko faceplamed. Annnd.. They were dead.

"Oh, no reason. It's just funny." Sokka leaned back in the chair. Toph shook her head, "You're lying about something."

Zuko sighed as he looked at Sokka. "What? I'm not lying it is funny."

"You and Zuko did it at the palace, didn't you?" Katara said with a straight forward tone. "Ah, how did you know?" Sokka grinned.

Aang stood up and walked away while repeating, "Oh God, oh God." Over and over again. Katara blinked a million times, in shock while Toph was laughing.

"I- HAHA-I can't believe I didn't see that coming when-HHAHSH- we were teens- HAHAHAHSSHS" She laughed.

"I hate you so much Sokka." Zuko mumbled. Sokka smiled widely, "Love you too, buddy."


This chapter is so crazy but I think it's because I'm writing this at 1 in the morning


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