A Married Cheater Part 1

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Relationship: Secret Lovers

[Cheating is not okay. Just wanna make that clear. What Sokka and Zuko do in this isn't right and never will be :)]

As a kid, Sokka dreamed of getting married to a beautiful girl, having a family with her, and raising their wonderful, big family together. Happily.

But, now that his perspective of the world has changed due to War and meeting new people... that's diffrent too.

He has one this of that. A wife. A beautiful wife. He loves her. He does. Platoniclly though. He thought he loved this girl before. When they were teens. But, ever since he turned 21, his birthday party that was "Just for the boys", turned his whole perspective of things, upside-down.

"Ambassor Sokka. Sir-" A servent called out to the water tribesmen. He turned around, facing the fellow calling his name.

"Yes?" 25 year old Sokka said, standing tall on his ground. He was visiting the Fire Nation Palace for what seemed to be the 100th time this month. (It was the 7th but who's counting?) The servent handed him a letter.

"Its from your wife back on Kyoshi Island."The man said before turning away in the opposite direction Sokka was originally going to. Sokka raised an eyebrow, wondering what Suki wanted before realizing..

She was gonna kill him.

Not literally, but still.

He's been so busy leading his tribe, visiting Zuko, for which his excuse was, meetings, that he completely forgot to visit her. On his so called "Second Home" on the island where they haven't spoken in 3 and a half weeks.

He quickly ripped open the letter, scanning through it.

Dear Sokka,

Where are you? You promised me you would be home in time for the festival. You said we would be able to go together.
I know you're busy, I understand. But, we haven't spoken in a while.

I miss you.

I want you home, Sokka. If you have any more meetings or duties, I understand, the festival is always around next year..

Love, Suki

P.s. Tell Zuko I said hi!

The guilt ripped through Sokka like a knife. He bit his lip as he re-read the letter before quickly sprinting down to where Zuko would be.


He was always training now-a-days. He would often join him too. They often duelled for fun, acting carefree and young again.

Half the time they ended on top of eachother, laughing at one of them tripping before instantly making out.

Yeah, making out.

Its a secret. Nobody knows. Nobody. And nobody can know. If anyone ever found out, the two of them would either be killed by Suki or Katara. Suki because well, that's Sokka's wife. He cheated. And Katara because, that's Sokka's sister, and he lied to her.

Zuko had nothing to worry about. Except for Katara and Suki eventually coming to kill him but he prays that won't happen.

So for now it's a secret. A secret that's been going on for five. long. years.


"This is actually the dumbest thing ever, Aang."Sokka mumbled, leaning his hand on his cheek. 18 year old Aang let out a small laugh before shaking his head.

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