Secretly Dating Part 2

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Relationship Status: Dating

Sokka's POV:

You.. Like Zuko?"

I turned to the voice.


I wanted to speak but I couldn't. I don't think any of us could. We all just looked down at the floor or up at Suki. She continued to stand there, her eyes filling up with tears.

" left me for Zuko.." She crossed her arms up against her chest. "That's why things were so weird on the Boiling had a thing for him." She looked down.

"I'm sorry." I finally said, then I stood up. "Can we talk about this somewhere else?" I asked. She nodded and followed me in the house.

Zuko's POV:

And now they were gone..

Aang looked up at me. "Hey, congrats Zuko. I really didn't expect that but I'm happy for you."

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

Katara sighed. "I don't really know what to think. I mean I thinks it's obvious I'm not a fan of you and I'm still upset...but congrats."

I nodded at her.

Toph then spoke up, "Hey guess what guys. Sokka is sub."

"I didn't need to know that!!!" Katara shouted at Toph.

Sokka's POV:

Suki and I went into the kitchen to talk. She leaned against the counter looking down while I stood across from her.

"Listen.." I sighed, "I'm sorry. I really am. I just couldn't stay in a realshionship with you while I knew I liked Zuko. It would be wrong. Before things got farther I had to end things with you.." I looked at her.

She frowned and whiped her eyes. "How long were you and Zuko.. doing stuff before we broke up."

I raised an eyebrow. "What? Oh no, no, no. We didn't do anything like.. that. I promise." She slolwy nodded.

"Okay. I believe you." She started walking out but I grabbed her arm. "I hope we can still be friends though." I said to her. She looked at me with sad eyes but forced a smile with a nod. I let go of her arm as she walked away back outside.

I watched leave. I decided to grab a snack so she would have a second with the gAang alone before I headed out.

Zuko's POV:

Suki soon walked out alone. She sat down next to Katara who right away began asking her questions like: 'What did he say, was he nice, are you two friends again, etc'

Suki answered shortly or shrugged. I felt sorta bad. I was never close to her because of obvious reasons, but I still knew she was a good person.

I almost felt bad for fucking her ex.


Sokka later walked out, he sat down next to me. "So like.." Aang said, trying to start a conversation. Everyone just looked at him.
He nervous chuckled before looking down.

"Come on Aang. You and I need to work on your firebending." I said, breaking the silence. Aang nodded and followed me.

I figured once I left it would be easier to have a conversation. I mean, I was the one Sokka left Suki for. A bit akaward if you ask me.

I started training Aang, he still needed a lot of work but did well over all. We bended for a good 40 minutes before agreeing on a break.

"So.. Is it cool dating Sokka?" Aang asked me. I slolwy turned to him, "What."

"How is it dating him? Is he still annoying or is he nicer to you?" He asked, taking a sip of water after.

I shrugged, "He's nice sometimes. Still annoying." I grinned at the thought of him then took a sip of my own water.

Aang slolwy nodded, "Okayyy. So if you two were to get married, and I got married to Katara.. We would be related in a way." He smiled his stupid kid smile. I rolled my eyes, "I don't wanna think about that. I'm only 16."

Aang shrugged at me, "And I'm only 12." I gave him a weird look.

"I always forget how young you are.." I said. Aang laughed.


Sorry this was shorter.. Haha.

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