Chapter 4:The story of Tommyinnit

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We walk into the village,well more like a town and to be honest it was abandoned.We loot some of the chests and we walk around the area,as we walked around the place I felt like someone was here besides us...Maybe I just have chills,this place is kinda creepy.

"Hmmm...According to my calculations,it should take me about 1 month and 3 weeks to turn this wreck into a perfect area for the dumb humans,perfect!" We hear an unfamiliar voice say,we hide behind a building and see a girl who has blonde hair,green glasses and is wearing more green items and clothing,she is also rather short.

We were about to talk to her until we noticed that she had the logo of the Gods on her hoodie,she must be working for them but not as a slave,she has tech that only people with high rankings and status can get.

We try to walk away but Luke accidentally steps on a twig.We run away as fast as we could but she still saw us,so we split up and run away but we then got stuck in an alleyway and she was very close to finding us building's away from us,oh no.

"Hey,follow me" we hear someone whisper,we look on the ground to see that the manhole cover was opened and that there Someone peaking at us from it.We didn't want to get caught so we followed him in the sewers to safety.

"My name is Alex,but you can call me Quackity" he says as he takes us through the tunnels,we ask him what happened to the town,"Well the God's happened...They came here and took us for some imprisonment thingy,or atleast most of us.Me and some of my friends survived,you'll meet them soon" Quackity says he continues walking.Eventually we stop infornt if an iron door,we watch as he takes out a key from his pocket and unlocks it.

We walk in to see probably one if the coolest things ever.We see a massive tree with beautiful rainbow ombre leaves,it also has a tree house with it too.We hear people shout Quackity's name,must be his friends,we see 4 men running to us.One with black hair and a white bandana,another with red hair,the third with dark brown hair and white round glasses and the last one with brown hair and a bit of slime in his hair.

Their names were Sapnap,Karl,George and Charlie,then they give us a tour of the place.Apparently they are actually 1 more memeber but he was captured a few days ago,"Hey uh,so the reason we are here is because we are looking for our friend called Tommyinnit,have you guys seen him here?" I ask and they all gasp.

"Tommyinnit?The God killer?You know him and he didn't kill you?" Karl says with a scared look on his face.Apparently they have all heard stories of Tommy being a psychopath and killing Gods, but that's not true...Ok well he did kill like one God,but he isn't a psychopath!

"Then you know what?Come on everyone.I will tell you all the the true story of Tommyinnit" Technoblade says as he sits down on the floor,we all sit in a circle around him.

_The story of Tommyinnit(narrated by Technoblade)_
(This means his doing actions)

"It was an Era of time when the Gods,unique in their flawlessness,sought out to spread their perfection across the galaxy.Each and every God chose their own world and made their colonies except for one,Dream XD.And it took years and years for him to pick his own but eventually the God's let him pick his own world,to which he chose the planet Earth.

On Earth,every hybrid made by the God's was now made to serve Dream XD,each with a role to play in the God's perfect empire.Comparisons to their new leader,their existence was ordinary,they were life forms only meant to be servants for their new leaders and no one had ever dared to think otherwise,until there was Tommyinnit.My little brother.

Our family is a family of elytrians and pigglins who were created by the Gods,so is Deo,Luke and Bitzel but there's were different species.So we were all born with powers and when we all turned 15 we were sent down to Earth to work on the colony.

In stature,Tommy was no different from any other boy,and for a time he did his best to carry out his leader's bidding.However,he began to take notice of his strange colony,and the life that existed there.Curiostity turned to appreciation,appreciation turned to fondness and fondness...Turned to love.As he said the last part he stared at me for a bit but he eventually continued talking.

Soon he was unable to keep his finding secret,and began asking his fellow workers if they knew of the life on Earth and what they made of it.He continued to pry his fellow workers with questions so odd,that eventually word of him made its way to Dream XD,Tommy was summoned at once.

'Tommy' began Dream XD,'what have you been saying down there?''My God' Tommy pleaded,'It has come to my attention that your colony Earth,bares life.While I know these life forms serve no purpose in you and the other God's perfect empire,I ask we leave this planet and spare their lives',Dream XD thought for a moment and then laughed,a wicked empty sound.'You wish to save these life forms at the expense of our own?Ha,don't be absurd!Return to your post and I will forget your insolence'.

And with that Tommyinnit was dragged back to his post for duty.Only Tommy could no longer stand to be aiding in the destruction of Earth,he had no choice,he had to fight.

'Is this what you want?To inject?To build and to kill?I've seen the life that exists for itself,and it lives here!Will you destroy it or will you join it?' Tommy asked the crowd of people around him.His message began to resignate to Dream XD's dismay,his colony was falling apart,so like a coward he called for his God allies,Posiedon and Hades to help.

But Tommy also found himself with allies,other people who were cast out for being wrong.

Timedeo.A powerful warrior who belonged to no God

Wisp.A blacksmith who made weapons for rebels instead of building towers for tyrants

And Luke and Bitzel.Both wizards,one known to be the first to soul-hosting and the other is a shapeshifting trickster

And countless others,all inspired by Tommy to live for ourselves on Earth.He was our leader,and Earth was our precious home.And those who fought to save it became known as...Business bay!"

"There were people like us?...Fighting...For their freedom" Sapnap,Quackity and Charlie ask."Yes and we were fearless!" Technobalde says,he continues with the story.

"It was an impossible fight,but we fought anyway!And the more people who saw us the more who joined.

But DreamXD's forces grew to strong,Tommy feared that soon he would have nothing left to protect...Tommy,drew his rebel blade...And killed DreamXD!Saving the Earth for all time from his reign of terror."

"Your brother did that?That's amazing!" Quackity said with amazement,"Wait what happened to the other God's?What happened after that?" Karl asks.

"The other God's were furious.In their last attempt to wipe out the rebellion,they launched a direct attack on Earth and in their theory they use their powers to end the fighting,once and for all".

_The end_
"Some of us survived..."I started,"Like how Tommy protected us with his shield,and how Techno,Wil and Phil got blown away,as for the others...They didn't make it.But we know that Tommy is alive!And we will find him!" I say,they all agree with me.Quackity and them decided that they would keep an eye out for Tommy.

The next morning we wake up and leave the town,making sure we didn't bump into someone.We made it out safely,I wonder where we're gonna go next.

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