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Jungkook's Pov:

I paced my room back and forth, anxiety coursing through my veins. All kinds of questions were welling up in my mind. Should I be concerned about this message? Should I tell my brothers? But what if they make fun of me and just tell me to block him? Of course, I have already blocked him yet again but there was something ominous about this message as compared to the creepy poetic messages I used to get.

Maybe its an empty threat. No, I am pretty sure it is an empty threat because just think about it, kook. He is from Seoul which is far. But he seems a bit familiar. What if he knew about me.

But what if I tell my brothers and they make me deactivate my account. It will just add to my restriction to my already restricted life.


Nothing could happen if it does I will tell my brothers. No need to make a huge deal of it. Although I convinced myself it wasn't helping. It's already 2 am and I am wide awake I have exams and this man should be the least of my concern now.

Next morning I woke up cranky due to less sleep. But what can I do I have to attend school due to upcoming exams? During breakfast, I barely had any food. Today Jin Hyung said he was going to pick me up from school.

School went by in a flash mostly because I slept through most classes or was spaced out in others. I was grateful that jin Hyung came right on time. I really wasn't up for socializing when all I craved was my bed.

"hey kookie, how was your day?" Hyung asked while walking towards the car. "fine" I replied.

I sat in the passenger seat of the car while he told me that he will be back.

since he went to meet some juniors from my school. He graduated from this school as well. He was or I could say still is pretty famous around due to his looks and playful personality. Plus he had been in the student council as the head boy so he was used to all the attention and fame even more.

While waiting I started playing some random game on phone. Suddenly I felt like someone was blinking lights at me so I looked up from my phone and noticed there was a white car parked right in front of ours on the other side that was blinking its headlights at our car.

What kind of idiot blinks headlight in the broad daylight?

I frowned as I observed the car. The number plate didn't belong here. It was from Seoul. Wait a minute the logo of an Audi? I looked up through the windshield and that's when the color of my face drained.

It was him! Kim Taehyung! The Instagram guy. He was sitting in the driver's seat looking right at me with a smirk on his face.

My eyes almost bulged out from their sockets and on reflex, I immediately ducked down causing my head to hit on the dashboard.

Oh my god! Oh my god! What is he doing here? What in world this man is doing here?

How did he know where I study. Omg, what if jin Hyung sees this? A full-grown man is smirking at me from across the parking lot. This will end in a huge disaster. What should I do? I have gone completely numb at this point.

I sneak peeked just a little to see if that person was still there and indeed, he was there in flesh and bone. He was laughing at me. His eyes were squinted with humor as he had a hand on the steering wheel and the other went through his hair.

The audacity of this man, was he enjoying this? Watching me miserable?

What should I do? Tell Hyung so that he beats the shit out of him? Or worst they beat each other up? No that doesn't seem a good idea.

What am I supposed to do in such situation?

I tried to relax. And sat straight ignoring the man infront of me.

I looked up and saw him getting out of the car.

What is he doing? Is he coming here?

I watched as he came out of the car. How tall was this guy? The picture doesn't do justice to his height. He is at least 6'1. He was wearing a crisp white button-up shirt neatly tugged into his black pants but I could tell he was pretty toned up and muscular under his shirt. Screw him being muscular! What should I do?

I was seeing for jin hyung what if he is near?

He stopped beside my window. Does he think I am going to pull down and talk to him. What no.

He just chuckled at me.

' unless you want me to stay here till your brother returns, you might want to listen to what I have to say. We don't want that now do we?' his voice was crystal clear.

I could hear him clearly even with window closed.

He put his hand in his pocket as I reluctantly looked at him, I lowered the window just enough to make my voice known to him.

'good boy, I told you there will be consequences if you ignore me.' He said bending down to my level.

"what do you want?" I asked terrified.

' unblock me or I am not going to move an inch 'he warned me and I gulped nodding my head.

'today was just a preview of what happens if you ignore me. Let's talk like civilized people, alright?'

I nodded my head as smirked at me.

'I am taking a leave now. Don't forget to reply to message hm?' he asked and I nodded. And he turned to walk back to his car.

As I saw him, realisation hit me, this was the guy I met in college.

The weirdo.

What have I gotten myself into?


Thankyou for reading.

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