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Now that Jungkook is standing with a rapidly beating heart and flushed face in front of his mother who is asking him about the snacks that he went to take. He realized that he doesnt have any snacks with him, Except the gift he got from Taehyung which he is hiding in his hoodies pocket.

"eomma, I...I um they didnt have what I needed. Yes, they didn't have it" jungkook said calming his breaths which were uneven because of running all the way back home.

Jungkooks mother looked at him weirdly and nodded

Well jungkook never lies to his mother or his family for that matter. But now lying to his mother about things he doesnt like it all. So to not lie futher Jungkook ran back to his room as fast as he can.

Now that jungkook is sitting on his bed with a raging heart he realizes one more thing which he didnt realize before that how bold he was back then with Taehyung.

God did he really kissed Taehyung? Did he really do that?

And he didnt feel bad but euphoric.

Shouldnt he feel bad about this? But he is feeling quite the opposite.

Jungkook wants to hate what he did, but he feels far from it. God, he was happy and smiling like an idiot because he kissed Taehyung.

There is something wrong with him? Right?

Jungkook looked at the chain in his hand that Taehyung gifted him.

Indeed the pendant chain was beautiful. Jungkook liked it, truly to say, he loved it.

This chain was special well not because Taehyung bought it but because he said that this was the first time he bought something for someone on his own.

And well also because Taehyung bought it.

No matter what jungkook wants to think he knows it's all because it's Taehyung.

Jungkook wanted to wear the chain. He wants to keep it close to him always, but he knows that if his brothers or anyone in his family saw it. They would ask too many questions the chain was definitely costly which he couldn't buy on his own.

Jungkook looked at the chain on his hands again caressing it with his thumb before keeping it back in the box.

Taking a deep breath he took the box and kept it in his wardrobe.

He went to the washroom to freshen up before he is called down for dinner.

He looked into the mirror and saw his face which was flushed red.

Was he seriously blushing because of a mere kiss that too not a proper kiss but a peck

What would it feel like to kiss Taehyung?

Well, his cheeks were soft so he can imagine those perfectly shaped lips and especially the mole on ....

Wait wait why the hell was he thinking about kissing Taehyung, let alone thinking about lips and how would they feel.

Unconsciously his hands were on his lips.

God Jungkook is surely going crazy.

He can't think about Taehyung like that. His family would kill him. And they would definitely kill Taehyung too. Or maybe they won't be able to kill him, but they will surely try to hurt Taehyung. And he doesnt want Taehyung to be hurt anyhow because of him.

Jungkook heard his mom calling him while he was in the washroom. Stopping the train of thoughts he went down.

On the other side with Taehyung it was a different case

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