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Taehyung's POV:

I watched him give me a pleading look as he brutally refused to come with me.

Had he forgotten he was at a disadvantageous position right now? The fact that he had lied to me kept replaying in my head like a broken record. Did he even regret doing that? If he wasn't then he would do it again. I had to hammer it into his head that he can't take me for a fool.

"Are you coming or do I have to drag you by force?" I made my threat clear as I watched him tremble under my voice.

I rose from my seat and brought my hand forward so he could take it but he continued to stare at it while looking mortified. I recoiled it as I gave him another deathly stare. he was angering me with every wrong he was making.

I wasn't expecting him to ask for forgiveness so when he did say sorry while looking at me with his innocent doe eyes and trembling body, I felt my anger subsiding. I knew I was scaring him but I had needed to develop this much fear in him so he wouldn't even dream of lying to me again. I noticed him glancing towards his friends and for some reason, it upset me.

He should look at me. Why was he not paying attention to me while I am standing right in front of him?

"You should be looking at me right now." I told him and he snapped his head back at me and gave me another wide eyed pleading look. I sighed as I sat down and told him to sit down as well. I could tell he was reluctant but he conceded and sat down.

Once I placed the order for the food, I focused my attention on him

I could tell he was wondering what I was doing but this is the first time I was staring at him up close, I wanted to observe his features. He had the prettiest doe eyes.

His hair looked soft and I would have touched it to see what it felt like but I knew he would try to make a run for it if I did that. I glanced at his lips for a few seconds but I didn't want to creep him out by seeming like a pervert so I focused back on the rest of his features. He really was beautiful for a boy. His body was famine.

"Why did you lie to me, Jungkook?" I had really wanted to know this, what made him want to do this?

Was I not frightening enough? Did he want to play me or was it an honest mistake? I toned down my anger just slightly when I asked this so I could get an answer out of him.

"I didn't think it would be such a big deal." The way he answered told me he wasn't lying but I felt like there was more to it. I narrowed my eyes slightly as I continued to stare at him, I felt his eyes follow my face and then trail downwards focusing on the gun I had deliberately exposed before he looked up at me again.

Guess, he knows what will happen if he lies to me again so I will trust him on this.

"I hate liars. Don't ever do it again. Next time this happens, I will kidnap you and take you to Seoul, clear?" he snapped his doe eyes at me in shock and I just stared back to make sure we were clear on the threat.

I meant it, a part of me just wanted to take him back to Seoul with me.

I don't know what compelled me but I really wanted to see him more often. I didn't really care for liars but Jungkook lying to me really triggered something angry inside me. Silence fell on us again as I continued to stare at him while he looked left, right, up and down to avoid making eye contact with me.

"How were your exams?" I questioned him as I decided to observe him again. You don't see faces like this in Seoul.

What was it about him?

"Good." he replied almost immediately and I raised my eyebrow at him.

"All of them?" Was he trying to get rid of me by giving me short replies? I needed details. he has been seen zoning my messages lately so I never got the time to ask.

I could tell he was tense so I toned down my voice and tried to ask him as softly as I could.

"Just relax and answer. And look at me when you speak. I am not going to hurt you. Now tell me, how did your exams? With Details."

"Well, my chemistry exam was pathetic. They put in some weird experiment that went above my head. I contemplated leaving the page empty but then I just filled it up with random stuff that I remembered from the textbook." I chuckled, I didn't think he would be the wild guessing type so it was cute that he did that.

I felt him relax after noticing my laugh. "Korean was my most favorite. It was super easy and I genuinely enjoyed attempting it. Physics wasn't so bad either. Math went unexpectedly well despite me failing most of my classes in school. Today's exam was pretty easy, I completed it in the first twenty five minutes." I noticed the excitement in his tone and it pleased me eternally.

He looked up at me and I was smiling at him with a gentleness, I didn't even know I had.

The food arrived and I noticed the waiter brought the food that his friends had ordered as well.

he looked at the plates and then at his friends before looking back at me with perplexed emotions.

"Can we sit with my friends now?" he asked me softly as if I was a ticking time bomb and maybe I was.

"Why? You don't enjoy my company?" At times, his expressions were pretty obvious.

Did he know what face he was making right now?

"You can meet your friends after you eat with me." His grim expression disappeared and suddenly he looked happier.

he started to eat quickly while I continued to stare at him so he gave me a look wondering what the fuck was wrong with me now?

"What is it about you?" I asked all of a sudden, I really wanted to know why he was terrorizing my thoughts like this.

"What about me?" he asked oblivious while calling the waiter.

I inadvertently gave the waiter a death glare as if to warn him to not show up again any time soon to interrupt my conversation. The waiter gulped as he instructed him to take his friend's food to them and he complied.

"It's weird." I said once the waiter was out of sight.

"You know, I was at a party a few days ago and out of nowhere, I saw you in my arms instead of someone else." Jungkook choked on the food. I handed him a bottle of banana milk while smirking at his reaction.

Banana milk?

"I had the same reaction as you when that happened. I am sure you are thinking 'what the hell?' I asked myself the same question. I kept asking myself that over the past week as well."

Jeon Jungkook was literally at a loss of words. He continued to stare at me as if unsure of what to say.

"So, I decided something. How about you become my boyfriend?" I concluded that if this, whatever I was feeling, had something to do with attraction, I could spend some time with him and get a move on once I am over the feeling.

I smirked at him, daring him to refuse because no one ever refused me.

I was partially joking when I suggested that because I had kept in mind the fact that his family was over protective but he could keep a secret boyfriend right? Girls and boys did that.

Though I am more of the official kind of guy but I can work with that as well.

He wouldn't refuse, he can't. he doesn't have a choice in this, not right now at least.

"No way." His words stung, wiping off my smirk.

did he just reject me? Kim Taehyung.


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