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It's been a few hours since Jungkook spoke to Taehyung, and while his exterior is peaceful right now, his head is a wreck.

He was still preoccupied on Taehyung's actions. He may be overthinking right now, but he can't stop himself. He understands it's merely because Taehyung didn't talk to him properly the first time.

And He appeared to be eager to end the call.

Jungkook arrived in his room an hour later than usual time since he was with Jimin and Hazel.

Yes, Hazel, she met him while he was in the library. And she just joined him automatically after that. Despite the fact that Jungkook dislikes her.

But he isn't going to argue that she was pleasant company.

They discussed college and classes in general. Jungkook felt relieved when they didnt speak about Taehyung or his friendship with hazel or himself at that matter.

Jungkook returned to his dorm exhausted. He texted Taehyung and his mum.

Jackson, his flatmate, was not present because he had gone to meet his parent. Jungkook was relieved because he doesn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. He just wants to chat with Taehyung right now since his head is jumbled.

Jungkook got dressed and waited for his boyfriend's message, but he was out of luck.

Taehyung has not yet received his message.

Sulking, he decided to make himself dinner. He hadn't eaten anything since the morning, and he was starving now.

While waiting for Taehyung's call or message, he received a call from his elder brother-

"hello, hyung"

"hello, how are you kookie, you almost forgot about us huh?"

"I'm alright, hyung; you know it's not like that. I'm just too busy with classes and everything else."

"How are you doing?" He hadn't spoken to his hyungs or noona in a long time. He truly misses them.

"I am a fine kookie."

"How are Irene, Nonna, and my little baby Byul?"

"Ahh, they're both fine. Byul, you know, is just like you. He's so naughty " Jin hyung says, you hear to love and fondeness from his voice.

"send me his pictures, hyung, I miss him now...also send nonna's, mom, appa, hyun..."

"... definitely baby Highness. I'll send everyone's picture, except mine, because you don't even love me.." Jin hyung complains.

"Wae wae hyungiee, that's not the case. I miss you and your gorgeous face."

"Yeah, you brat. When you return home, I'll tell you....."

And so the talk continued for a little longer. Jungkook longed for his family. This is the first time he has been away from them for an extended period of time.

He would undoubtedly pay them a visit in vacations. He didn't even notice the time because he was so preoccupied with talking with his family.

He hung up at around 7:30 p.m.

Seeing whether Taehyung has responded to any of the messages. No he still hasn't.

Trying not to think about it, he got up and went to get his dinner .

As he finished his meal, he called Taehyung.

The entire bell rung, and Taehyung grabbed at the very last ring when he was about to cut the call.

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