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Jungkook reached home at eight p.m. after Jimin dropped him off. They had already dropped off Hoseok before coming to his place. Once Jimin left, Jungkook trudged to his bedroom and fell back on his bed reminiscing about everything that had happened today.

It was the start of his break before College starts in September. He was officially done with his exams. He felt overwhelmed. He had been studying in that school for over thirteen years and now all of his friends were going to different places to study for their future fields. He was about to go down memory lane when he remembered that he had to text Taehyung about getting home safe.

He was about to open his laptop when he remembered that he now had his number. Carefully he grabbed his phone and went through the call log, looking at the unsaved number. He needed to save it somehow. After thinking on it for over twenty minutes, he concluded that he was going to save it with a girl's name.

Hope.That is what he was going to save Taehyung's number as. Hope was Hoseok cousin who studies in same class as his. It felt the safer option for him as in case his brother sees his phone they wont bother him much. First it was a gril and second because they knew she was Hoseoks cousin.

Jungkook's thought on what text to send to Taehyung. Although he had already talked to him on the Instagram many times but for some reason texting him on his number seemed so much more intimate and personal.

He pondered on what to send him.

I am home? I got home safely? Just got home? What did it matter anyway, so he sent the first text that came to his mind.

'I just got home safely.' And then Jungkook face palmed. That didn't even make sense.

How awkward can you get, kookie? he then sent another text because getting embarrassed once just wasn't enough.

P.s I saved your name as Hope , so act like a Hope. What was that even supposed to mean? Act like a Hope ? How stupid and embarrassing.

Jungkook then waited for a reply.

Taehyung had just gotten dressed for the party and was about to leave when his phone buzzed.

A smile made its way on his face as he read Jungkook's awkward texts. So adorable, he thought as he typed a reply.

How do you act like Hope? He sent the message as he sat in the BMV with Yoongi on the driving seat while Namjoon took the cruiser with the guards.

It was nine p.m. now and the party was going to start pretty soon and continue till the sun rises. That was just how their parties went.

You are smirking. Talking to jungkook?" Yoongi questioned as he reversed the car. (well he asked them not to call him brother-in law atleast for now)

Taehyung nodded while keeping his eyes glued on the phone. His phone then buzzed and he swiped up to read his text.

Well, for starters, how about not carrying a gun around? Hope is a good HARMLESS girl. Taehyung could imagine Jungkook saying that to his face and chuckled.

Hope won't be safe if she doesn't carry a gun around. Hope needs to stay alive. Jungkook got Taehyung's reply and giggled. It was funny of him to talk like that He then realized how hard it must be for him to continuously be on alert incase potential enemies of his father tried to hurt him.

It must be hard to constantly be on alert. I feel bad for you. The message warmed Taehyung's heart.

It was weird for someone who didn't even know him properly to feel pity for him. He really was different. None of the girls from his past would give a shit if he carried a gun for his safety.

Don't. It has its perks. The pros override the cons. And he meant it. Being a politician's son was a pretty cool deal.

If you say so, stay safe though. Jungkook said unsure.

Is that genuine concern I see? I thought you would want me to drop dead or something for ruining the peace of your life like that. Taehyung joked as he noticed that they were closing in on the party venue.

I wouldn't wish that for you. Plus, I have gotten used to it now so it's fine I guess. And Jungkook meant it.

He could never want someone to die. It was too cruel and for some reason, despite everything that he had done, he really didn't want to imagine an injured or worse, dead Taehyung.

You are really cute, you know that? Also, Rejoice. I am letting you off easy tonight because I am going to a party. Jungkook blushed at his message and then read the last part. There he goes again, doing bad boy things but that is his life, so he didn't have a right to say anything about that.

Yay, I guess. Oh and one other thing before I go. he suddenly remembered what he had done a few hours ago.

Yeah? Taehyung questioned as Yoongi turned the car into the lane yumis house was in where there was already music blasting till outside.

I got your apology. In that moment, Taehyung felt something weird happen in his stomach. There was this fluttery feeling that he couldn't explain. He had been thinking about it ever since he had mouthed it to him back then.

And do you accept it? He was genuinely curious. He wasn't the type of guy to apologize to anyone for anything.

Maybe. He smirked at his reply.

Was he trying to act smart with me?

Shall I come to your house and yell out another one so you are sure? Taehyung didn't meant it but he knew it would get a reaction out of him because he didn't know his intentions.

NO! NO! I AM SURE! I accept your apology so don't do that. Please. Taehyung laughed out loud as Yoongi finally parked the car along with all the other expensive cars parked in garage.

Yoongi gave Taehyung a questioning look before rolling his eyes when he noticed that he had gotten a text from his brother-in-law..

Relax. I won't. Probably. Anyway, I am heading out now. Sleep tight, Jungkook. Taehyung texted quickly as he got out of the car.

You too. Sleep tight. Jungkook panicked when he realized what he had sent. So embarrassing kookie.

I mean, have fun. he then rethought his reply.

No wait, that is wrong. he sent again.

Just take care of yourself. Don't send me a message after this because I am putting my phone on charging and sleeping. Bye! By now, Taehyung was laughing genuinely at his clumsiness as he turned off his phone's screen and put it in his pocket. Jungkook was flushed red as he hid his face in embarrassment.

Why did he had to say all that? Oh well, what is done is done.

With that, Jungkook washed up, changed into pajamas and got into bed while Taehyung joined the party.

Jungkook's phone was buzzing beside his head, on the side table he groaned as he got up and rubbed his eyes. What time was it? From the curtains, he could tell that it was still night. He looked at the clock and noticed that it was 2 in the morning? WHAT THE HELL? Who was calling him this late? he picked up his phone immediately and looked at the caller id.

Hope is calling.


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