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Jungkook was content with how he felt. He had wholeheartedly accepted Taehyung and his love for him. His affection for Taehyung remains unwavering even if he harbours certain fears

He is aware that he will have to stand up for Taehyung and their love at some point in the future. He's not prepared for it, at least not now. (only if knew)

Eventually though, he will be. There is yet time for it. To reveal information between the families. As of now, everything is good.

Since they confessed to each other, a couple of weeks have passed. It would be an understatement to say that Jungkook was still thrilled. He was still unable to believe that he confessed to Taehyung.

They still haven't verbally or otherwise labeled their relationship. They are both happy with the circumstances as they are. They are aware that their love for one another is sufficient for both of them.

First thing in the morning, Jungkook calls Taehyung. Considering that Taehyung claimed he enjoys hearing Jungkook's voice when he awakens.

As a result, starting from that day forward, Jungkook would call Taehyung every day at 6:00, even though his classes didn't start until around 9:00 to hear his rich voice in the morning.

He adores Taehyung's drowsy voice. He adores how it makes him feel hot within.

Not that he was ever going to say that to Taehyung.

He doesn't want to add anything so that Taehyung can tease him.

Because he recalls the day he made the decision to wake Taehyung up by video calling him, not realizing the consequences that he would later suffer.

He had no idea that when he first saw Taehyung's bare chest and messy locks in the morning, his heart would burst.

God Jungkook had never previously panicked like that.

Observing Taehyung, it appeared as though his mind had gone blank and his mouth had become dry. He was unable to speak a word as a result of the vision in front of him.

Taehyung is gorgeous and hot even without trying.

When he snapped out of his reverie, he knew that Taehyung had seen him intently staring him inappropriately.

Embarrassed because of his actions, he abruptly ended the call without saying anything. Calming his hormonal nerves. Jungkook's mind went haywire since then.

Taehyung has been making fun of him ever then.

As a result of seeing him barechested, Jungkook's face turned red.

On top of that Taehyung flirts with him and asking him - What will he do when he actually sees him naked ? then chuckling at his misery and embarrassment, making pout and shy.

He learned that day that Taehyung sleeps without a shirt on. And He pledged not to video call Taehyung in the morning.

He can't wake up in the morning and see Taehyung almost completely undressed, then go about his day as usual. He has to be sane, not crazy. It's not good for his heart.

He woke up at the usual hour as he did every day. When he wakes up, he notices the time and chooses to call Taehyung as usual.

Today, though, is an exception. On both the first or second ring, Taehyung didn't pick up his phone making Jungkook confused.

Perhaps he slept in too late because he sees Taehyung's final message at 12:30 saying that he was going to bed now.

It's always been this way: Taehyung sleeps later than Jungkook, typically from 12 to 1 am, whereas he goes to bed earlier, around 10 pm.

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