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Taehyung's POV:

May had started and so had his exams. It was like he had disappeared off the face of earth but I had told him I wouldn't mind if he didn't reply to my messages but damn, he really was taking me for granted leaving me on seen and testing my patience like that. My frustration level was reaching new heights.

Namjoon hyung had told me he was throwing a party back in Seoul so I decided to take a flight back and let out some of the pent up steam.

I had never imagined that coming to Busan would end up with something like this. Meeting someone like him.

He was so different and I had gotten so used to talking to him that it was weird now that I wasn't talking to him as routinely. I enjoyed talking to him, he wasn't like the other once I talked too, he didn't talk to me because I was rich or handsome or anything, in fact it seemed like he didn't even want to talk to me. I don't think I could ever get used to that feeling.

I had been looking at my phone during the entire way back. he had physics today. I was hoping he would tell me how it went but all he did was leave my message on seen, the one I had dropped him an hour ago about leaving for Seoul today.

I didn't like it one bit. Nobody makes me wait. I am the one who leaves people hanging.

Well, whatever, he has his exams so it makes sense, I will make sure to make up for the lost time once he is done. If this is his tactic to try to get rid of me, he couldn't be more wrong. I opened my phone's calendar as I carried my bags from the business class and counted the days to June 10th. There was still almost twenty days to go. This was annoying.

I am going to get drunk today, I need to get my mind off him.

I don't like him intruding my thoughts every five minutes. I grimaced as I finally stepped into the airport's lobby looking for Namjoon or Yoongi.

Namjoon had dropped me a text that he was going to come pick me up with Yoongi.

They were going to have some pre partying before the official and I knew what that exactly mean.

Once, I had spotted them, I grinned as I finally put my phone back in my pocket and walked towards them.

I gave both of them side hugs and Yoongi took that his cue to start roasting me, something I knew was coming.

"Ay taehyung you just went and settled in Busan, did you not feel like coming back?" Yoongi said as he put his arm around me and handed my bags to his guard who greeted me I nodded at him.

He then carried the bags while the three of us lazily followed while he brought the car around to the front.

"Yeah tae, I am curious too, what did you see in Busan that made you not want to come back sooner? You haven't been away for such a long time." Namjoon asked me as he lit up a cigarette and handed me a box and lit up my cigarette too. My thoughts drifted to Jungkook's mortified face when I had seen him at the mall and I let out a devilish smirk.

"Oh, nah I just found something amusing, or rather someone." I said as I took a puff of the cigarette. I grinned as I looked at Yoongi who shared my smile as if he knew.

"You didn't fall in love or something, did you?" Yoongi joked while lighting his own cigarette.

A black land cruiser stopped in front of me followed by a Vigo truck. I told him not to bring guards but he just had too. I instructed the driver of the Cruiser to move into the truck behind us because I felt like racing today.

"Taehyung and love? Not a chance man" Namjoon told Yoongi as he sat in the back seat while Yoongi sat in the passenger seat. I just remained silent. I knew I wasn't in love with Jungkook, I just enjoyed him company and uniqueness that was all. Nothing else.

"Oh yeah, how can I forget, women and men love you, not the other way around." Yoongi smirked as he patted my shoulder and clicked to open the sunroof..

"The life of seoul has finally returned, fuck yeah!" He roared Namjoon and I laughed at his crazy antics but he was right, Seoul was the real deal. I felt a void filling me up. The party was at Namjoon's place so we decided to go to Yoongi's penthouse first to have a little pre party which meant drinks. It was still early for the party to start so we might as well get some pre workout in.

"Aren't you going to meet uncle tae?" Namjoon questioned me as he noticed that my route was going straight to Yoongi's place.

By uncle he meant my father, Namjoon hyung was my fathers younger brother's son .

His father own kim corporation. While my father handle the politicis he handles the business. We all live together happily.

Whereas Yoongi's hyung father was the owner of the biggest Law and tech Company in korea so he was bat-shit rich and powerful as well with contacts in everything.

The three of us were pretty much untouchable.

"You are right, maybe I should pay him a visit, where is uncle?"(namjoons father)

"He is with uncle." (my father)

"Perfect, let's visit the big boys then."

"good evening Appa" I said as I spread my arms apart to envelop my father in a hug.

He was sitting while talking to my uncle Namjoon's father. My father smiled as he saw me and got up to hug me as I hugged back. I then moved towards my Uncle and hugged him too.

"good evening Uncle" I greeted him.

"How are you gentleman doing today?" I inquired as I sat down .Namjoon and Yoongi also greeted my father and Uncle and took seats beside me.

"We are doing good, son, but you want to tell us why you didn't feel like coming back from Busan? It's true I had sent you an errand over there but I recall it was completed a month ago. You had been gone for nearly two months now." My Uncle questioned me as he eyed me carefully.

He treated me like his son so I could understand his concern, even when I went to a different country to tour, I would usually be back by the third week because seoul completed me so it was odd for my family and friends to accept that I was gone for so long. Even I found it odd now that I thought about it.

"Did you end up liking some girl back there?" My father joked and I looked at Yoongi giving him the look which he knew all too well.

It was an SOS look that meant distract my father so he doesn't find out anything.

"Uncle, I also asked him the same thing that he didn't end up falling in love or something did he but then he denied it himself. Maybe he just likes busan's vibe" Yoongi interjected and I gave him a grateful smile.

If father finds out, I am into some back back in busan . he is going to want to know details that I am not ready to give or want to give for that matter. And if I don't give details, he would find them by himself, even if that means dragging that person in front of him and asking the questions while they are at his mercy.

My Uncle stared at me for a while in silence, he always had keen observational skills so I could tell he was trying to figure out what was going in my head. I decided to return his suspicious look with a smile as to not give away anything.

My father on the other hand knew me even better than my Uncle or anyone else, one look was all it took. He narrowed and then gave a diplomatic statement like a true politician would.

"Well, if he has someone he likes, I am sure he will tell me eventually." I could sense the underlying pressure in it, it was a promise for answers later on. I gave him a smile to assure him that I would comply with his demands and he relaxed visibly.


Thankyou for reading.

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The above chapter isn't complete. it was becoming lengthy so I made it into two parts, next part I will be updating it in couple of hours.


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