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Taehyung pov:

"What's wrong, taehyung?" Jungkook's velvety voice questioned me. I knew this wasn't him but he felt so real. His skin was warm under my touch. His doe eyes were sparkling under the disco lights. The way he was looking at me was getting to my head.

What the hell was he doing here?

"Who the hell let you get in here? Why did you come here?" I questioned him seriously.

His brothers would never let him come here. He is too innocent for this place.

Did someone hand him a drink or something because he was grinning at me as well?

"What are you talking about? Why can't I come here?" Jungkook asked me while frowning at me. he gave me a weird look and so did namjoon Hyung

Wait, namjoon could see him too, right? I don't mind him staring but that means the other assholes here can see him too. What if some jerk decides to ask him out or something? Hell, if I allow that.

"Hey, tae, you okay?" namjoon Hyung asked me as he squeezed my shoulder, his words were laced with concern.

Why was he worried? No, right now, I needed to get Jungkook out of this place first.

"You. Come with me." I ordered Jungkook as I slowly got up from my seat.

"I don't know how you got here but I am dropping you back home. It's not safe for you here." I told him and then suddenly remembered how he had been seen-zoning me for a while now.

"You are going to explain yourself to me. Weren't you studying for your exams?" I said as I grabbed his wrist and started dragging him to the exit. I saw Yoongi Hyung give me a weird look but I didn't care right now.

"What are you talking about? taehyung, how drunk are you? You are hurting me." And suddenly Jungkook's voice was gone along with his face and it was replaced with jack's face.

I instantly let go of his wrist and looked at him with a shocked face. What the actual fuck just happened?

"Sorry." I said as I grabbed my head which was starting to spiral out of control again.

"I think he has drank a little too much, sorry jack, why don't you get something to eat while I take taehyung to sober up a little, yeah?" I heard Yonngi hyung's voice behind me while he used his hands to steady me so I don't fall.

jack just nodded disappointed and turned around to leave. The moment he left, namjoon Hyung and Yoongi Hyung dragged me inside the building and put me down on a bed in one of the guest rooms.

"namjoon bring water." Yoongi hyung told namjoon hyung who nodded and left the room.

"You want to tell me what the hell that was? Do you even know how loud you were? taehyungah, what happened?" Yoongi hyung said he gave me a stern look.

I knew he was concerned, I had never behaved like this before after all. Trying to ask a girl/boy to leave a party cause it's not safe? I was the one who brought them to parties.

"Hyung, I think I am losing it." I replied honestly. "Back there, I didn't see jack, I saw someone else."

"Who? The Busan boy?" Yoongi hyung inquired and I just nodded trying to get my mind straight. "What's his name?"

"Jungkook, jeon Jungkook, "I said repeating his name as I fell back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling, spacing out.

"he is making my life miserable, hyung."

"Jungkook? Who is that?" namjoon hyung asked as he stepped inside with a glass of water. He handed it to me while he sat down on a couch and looked from me to Yoongi hyung and then to me again.

"It's some boy back in Busan who has him whipped or something." Yoongi hyung explained as he put his head in his hands.

"I am not sending this idiot back into the party. People observe our every move, if he causes a scene like that again, word will spread." Yoongi hyung said exasperated as he took out a cigarette, lit it up and opened a window. Namjoon hyung gave his silent approval. I could tell they wanted to ask me a lot of things but I had only one thing on my mind.

"Twenty more days. Just twenty more." I said suddenly remembering I could talk to him after June 10th. I had gotten so used to talking to him, that I was finding the sudden absence odd and it was having messed up withdrawal symptoms on me or something. ss

"What happens after twenty days?" namjoon Hyung questioned while Yoongi Hyung just looked at me while exhaling smoke.

"His SATs will end. he will be free from his exams."

"What are you talking about tae? SATs officially end on the 22nd of May. Minjae is giving them too, remember?" namjoon Hyung told me and I perked up at that.

Minjae was our cousin who was the same age as Jungkook and also giving SATs.

"You sure about that?" I confirmed from namjoon Hyung and he nodded.

"Yeah, he was complaining about it like a week ago." Namjoon Hyung said and I slowly rose from the bed.

22th May huh? Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. I am surprised you had the guts to do something like this to me. You will pay for this dearly.

"hyungs, we are going to Busan on the 21th. I want you to meet a certain someone."


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