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taehyung-shi do you have any idea what you are saying? Are you still drunk? Jungkook asked in formally.

"I am completely sober." Taehyung replied in an utterly serious tone.

"I am only 18. This is wrong. This is just absurd." Jungkook replied perplexed.

"Just what did wrong did I do to you to deserve this?" his voice started to crack as he felt his words shook his entire self. Just when Taehyung thought he was about to cry he ended up losing his temper instead. "What part of 'I am not interested' do you not understand? Do I have to spell it out for you? I told you in a decent way that day that we cannot be anything. Not your boyfriend and definitely not your husband !I knew you were an inconsiderate prick and beyond understanding but this just takes the cake. I hate you, Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook felt his voice rise with every word until he heard his brother calling him from downstairs.

"kookie, come down for lunch." Jungkook instantly hung up on Taehyung, blocked his number and turned off his phone. He then went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water to calm himself down before going down to eat. It ends today. He isnt going to tolerate his shit anymore. He has had it.

What is the worst that he can do? Come in front of his house? If he tries to do that, he will feign ignorance and play the victim which he is in fact. Hopefully, his brothers will take his side since he had nothing to do with this. He decided that he will tell his oldest brother, Jin because he was the most mature one.

He would have to come up with the story on how he met Taehyung though. He couldn't tell him he talked to him in school that would make him part of the wrong act as well.

Well, he had the entire lunch to think about what to do.

Taehyung couldn't believe it. Not only had he roasted him but he hung up on him and blocked his number? he was really asking for it now. He kicked the glass coffee table in frustration, toppling the vase on top of it and breaking everything in the process.

Yoongi and Namjoon watched in silence because they all had their anger moments. Yoongi could tell Jungkook had said something he would regret from the looks of how bat shit angry Taehyung looked. He thought s\he was smarter than this but maybe, he really didn't know the extent to how crazy Taehyung was.

"He is going to reject me? I will show Him just who he is messing with." He dialed a number on his phone and put it on his ear. The person on the other side picked up on the second ring.

"Taehyungah, how are you doing?" Bogum questioned in a cheerful way. Park Bogum was a very good family friend of Taehyung and Namjoon's age fellow. He was the son of a powerful politician in Busan so Bogum's mentality was quite similar to Taehyung and his friends meaning he was also bat shit crazy and spoiled to the core. Not only that, he was a notorious player.

"Good, Bogum. You?" Taehyung said impatiently. The wheels in his head were already turning on how to make Jungkook regret the words he had said.

"Wonderful, man" Bogum said, noticing the change in Taehyung's tone.

"Bogum, I need a favor." Taehyung replied as he paced the room. Yoongi was smirking because he knew where this was going. It was a while since they had seen this side of Taehyung. Years actually. Nothing could stop him now.

Namjoon was drying his hair with a towel while observing the aura his cousin was releasing. The same aura from years ago. Yoongi had updated him on the situation with Jungkook. Namjoon was surprised to know that of all the people, Jungkook was the one to revive his old habits. The reason Namjoon had gotten so attached to Taehyung was because he had seen him in his teenage years when he was absolutely wild, back in school. He used to target people for fun and make them miserable until eventually there came a point that he became so notorious that people just steer cleared of him rather than starting fights with him.

"Order." Bogum grinned knowing where this was going. This was the Taehyung they all knew quite well. The fearless bat shit crazy one with the wildest ideas. The one everybody avoided. Kim Taehyung was in his element.

"I need you to find information on two boys. Addresses, phone numbers, everything. One of them is Jimin and the other is Hoseok. I will send you all the information I have on them. Do your thing." Taehyung instructed him.

"Done. Just a question though. What did the poor boys do?" Bogum questioned as smirked.

"Absolutely nothing." Taehyung replied as he took out bottle of coke before gulping it down.

"Works for me. Give me a few hours and I will get back to you bro." With that Bogum hung up after Taehyung said good bye. Taehyung then looked at Yoongi and Namjoon who had amusement and excitement in their eyes

"So what are we doing?" Yoongi could feel the blood coursing through his veins from the sheer excitement. Namjoon also had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"For now, bring out all the cars we have in Busan."

"All of them?" Yoongi was a bit surprised. Just what was he planning?

"All of them."

Jungkook felt anxious. It had been a four days since he had said all of that to Taehyung. It was oddly peaceful and that scared him. So was he just showing off and scaring him when he had said he would show up to his house and all? Such a douchebag, Jungkook thought.

But somehow, a part of Jungkook knew that it was no joke. He contemplated apologizing multiple times because his gut feeling was telling him but he knew he would be stuck in a vicious cycle if he apologized now. He was sick of getting pushed around.

He had finally taken a step for himself and freed himself from him. He had absolutely no regrets. Or did he? He decided not to think about it.

That he got a call. It was Jimin.

"What's up chim?" Jungkook questioned as he looked for his banana milk in the fridge.

"all good You free right now?" Jimin questioned in his usual cheerful tone.

"Yeah, why? What's up?"

"this new cake eatery opened and I wanted to try it out with you since Hoseokie isn't around. You down for it?" Jimin questioned.

"Totally. You coming to pick me up?" jungkook questioned.

"Yeah, be there in twenty five." Jimin added.

"Perfect." Jungkook said.

He got to change into hoodie and jeans. He was comfortable in wearing long hoodies rather than shirts and tshirts.

Informing his mother about the outing jungkook waited for a couple of minutes before jimin messaged him that he is out waiting.

Jungkook high fived Jimin when he got into the car.

Jungkooks pov:

"So where is Hoseok anyway?" I asked Jimin. It was a bit hard to stay connected to Hoseok because he didn't have a phone.

"He went out of city to attend his cousin's wedding." Jimin replied as he kept his eyes on the road.

After that, the two of us didn't really talk as Jimin took the usual route to the food street.

Jimin was singing to some random song when his eyes caught sight of a car approaching them at a very fast speed from behind. He stopped signing and when I turned to look at him . Before we even had the time to react, a car screeched to a halt in front of our car causing him to slam on the brakes whereas two cars stopped on either side of his car. Finally, two cars stopped behind him so he couldn't reverse his way out of it either. Basically, we were trapped.


Thankyou for reading.

Not so good chapter but please bear with it.

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