In A Perfect World

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I haven't been able to get Nash to tell me how he got the information and it's bothering me. I don't show him that it's really bothering me because he has a lot on his shoulders right now. His bill is going to be voted on next week and while he has secured enough votes for it to pass, he's still stressed out because until it passes there is still the possibility that it will just get sent to a committee to die. I've basically packed my meager belongings, just my clothes and some miscellaneous things, we're going to throw out my furniture because we're getting much nicer things for our home.

I'm also worried about meeting Nash's family, I've never met them before, even as his assistant and I want them to like me. Nash says his mother is amazing but his father can be a hardass. Chad Grier is the Governor of North Carolina and he doesn't play games. The Grier family is very well known and I suppose that's where Nash gets his trust fund from, we've never really spoken about it.

I double check our itinerary before we head to the airport, it will be nice to leave D.C. even if it's for a weekend. Everything in D.C is cutthroat, it's basically every man for himself, it's exhausting sometimes.

We are dropped off at the airport by a driver and I check us in for our flight. We always fly first class, it's just more comfortable that way. As we wait for the flight, Nash is on his phone. I've been kind of quiet this morning because I've just been thinking about the threat, how Nash got information so fast and also worrying about this trip. I have a lot on my mind.

I stare blankly at the wall as I think about everything and I sigh deeply as a way to relieve stress. Nash looks up from his phone and turns to look at me.

"What's wrong?" He asks me with a frown on his face.

"I'm just tired," I lie. I've given up asking him about what he's keeping from me. I thought he trusted me implicitly but I guess not and that actually hurts my feelings. There's really no other way to describe it. I feel kind of weak for letting that hurt me but no one is perfect.

"Don't lie to me, Cameron." He says firmly but quietly and I finally meet his eyes.

"I'm just worried about meeting your family, I know it's just as your assistant but I still want them to like me." I'm not lying to him, I'm actually worried about this but it's just not the only thing on my mind.

He studies me quietly and then turns his attention back to his phone without saying anything. I don't know what to make of his reaction, it's strange and off-putting. Maybe he's tired of me and my sensitive feelings. My mood grows darker and I'm working myself up into a frenzy. They finally announce that our flight is boarding and we're the first ones on the plane. I get settled into my seat, I prefer the window seat because it's kind of relaxing to look out and see clouds below.

We spend the entire flight quiet, it doesn't take long to arrive in North Carolina, we could have easily driven here but it's more convenient to fly. I've set up for a black car to take us to Nash's home in the mountains of North Carolina, he has a car there that we will use during our trip.

The drive to his home is just as quiet and his flippant reaction to my reply upsets me even more. When we arrive at the house I get out and bring up our small suitcases while Nash opens the door. The house here is gorgeous, it's surrounded by woods and has a lot of glass walls so that the beautiful view can be seen.

We're not even in the house for 2 seconds when Nash grabs my arm and pushes me against the wall. I let out a gasp of surprise as he searches my eyes intensely.

"Tell me what the fuck is wrong, Cameron. And don't just give me a half truth, fucking tell me everything." He growls and my breathing quickens because he's so sexy when he's angry like this. I try to distract him by licking my bottom lip and then biting it. His hand goes up to my jaw and he cradles it while his thumb pulls down on my lip.

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