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When we arrive to Nash's parent's mansion the silence is tense as we sit down in the living room. Nash and I sit next to each other with his mother shooting thinly veiled glares at me. She probably is blaming me for Nash being upset but I didn't want to tell him, I wanted to avoid drama but he knew something was wrong and he wasn't going to stop until I told him why.

"Mother, I found Cameron outside and he was very upset about something. He didn't want to tell me but I made him do so and what he told me upsets me, very much. Why would you be so unnecessarily cruel to him? He's treated you with respect, he's never wronged you and yet you've disliked him from the first moment you met him." Nash states and I sit there quietly, I look down at my hands because I don't want to see her hateful look at me.

"He's clearly lying darling, he wants to create a rift between us. I would never treat one of your employees with what you're describing, I don't understand why he would make such a thing up." She states firmly with and blank face and such authority that one's first instinct is to believe what she's saying.

Nash's neck begins to turn red and I know he's about to lose his shit, his fists clench and I brace myself for the explosion, it's coming any minute now.

"Cameron would never make something like that up," Nash says through clenched teeth and Elizabeth blinks innocently at him. I'm proud of the fact that he somehow has maintained control of his reaction.

"You would believe some assistant over your mother?" Elizabeth asks with a hurt tone and she tilts her head to complete her pitiful look.

"Mother, I'm trying very hard to remain respectful but you are making it very difficult for me to do so. If you're so ashamed of your actions that you can't even admit what you've done, then why do them in the first place?" He asks lowly and she laughs softly.

"Oh, my darling I am not ashamed." She says and I know he's going to lose it after that remark.

"Mother..." he warns lowly and now I know where Nash gets his poker face from, clearly it's his mother.

"I KNOW what you said to him, I'm not that naive boy anymore who was blind as to how vile and vindictive his own mother is. I'm not that boy that listened to your every word to the point of marrying the girl you picked out for me. I come to visit you when I'm in the state out of respect but that's gone now. You sit perched on a throne and look down on everyone, it's unbelievable that the sole reason you dislike Cameron is because he's my assistant. I know for certain that if he was some trust fund baby from Harvard you'd kiss his ass and would go out of your way to make sure he had everything he needed here. So don't worry, I won't burden you with his or my presence. Do not expect me to visit or invite you to any of my functions. It's pathetic that you feel the need to lie to me about your actions, own up to them mother or does thinking about it cause you to realize what a terrible human being you are? Cameron is more important to me than you are and has more class than you've ever had." Nash says derisively and the look on Elizabeth's face is priceless.

Her eyes are wide and look glassy, I know Nash's words hurt her deeply because he's her baby boy, her pride and joy. It's surprising to learn that he was completely a mama's boy and she took advantage of that fact. It's crazy that he started dating Lea and even got married to her because of his mother's guidance.

"Nash... there's no need for such drastic actions. I'm your mother, how could you say such things?" She asks weakly and her voice breaks because it's finally dawning on her that she no longer commands Nash's full attention and he no longer hangs onto every word that leaves her lips.

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