Beauty in the Breakdown

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I press my lips against his in a deep kiss, our tongues play with each other. His hands squeeze my waist tightly and I giggle against his lips.

"Congratufuckinglations baby, I'm pretty sure you just set a record with getting 98% of the votes. I bet the only people who voted for him were him and his family." I murmur against his lips and he laughs at my words.

"Thank you baby, you made this election infinitely more tolerable. You took so much weight and worry off of my shoulders and I was able to concentrate on the things that were necessary. It's just so amazing to have a partner who truly supports me and believes in my vision, I couldn't have done this one without you." He tells me and I can't help but blush at his words, he makes me feel so appreciated. We're interrupted by a rapid knock on the door. I'm sure everyone is waiting for Nash to emerge to congratulate him but I'm glad I got my own private moment with my husband.

We kiss again for a few more moments before I stand up from his lap and open the door. Matt gives us a happy smile as we exit together and I stand to the side as I watch all of our staff congratulate him as he makes his way to the stage. I stand off stage with Matt and watch as my husband waves at his supporters, the screams drown out any other noise.

"Thank you so much for the overwhelming support everyone has given me. I think North Carolina has spoken loud and clear what kind of senator they want representing them in the U.S. Senate and it's not the one who brings up petty, unimportant issues and ignores the ones that are important to you," Nash says and he has such an amazing way with words. He's charming and charismatic, how could I not fall in love with that amazing man. It was inevitable.

The rest of the night is a blur of activity, Nash is gracious with everyone who approaches him after the event is done and even though I'm exhausted I wait until he's finished.

"So where are you heading off to during the rest of the senate holiday?" Matt asks, he has no idea about Nash and I, I plan on keeping it that way because my motto is trust no one.

"Probably visit my family back home," I reply vaguely, I really don't know what our plans are. I kind of want to take the honeymoon we weren't able to take but I literally contribute nothing financially to our marriage and I don't feel comfortable asking Nash for a lavish trip even though I really want one. It would be so amazing to completely relax with Nash in our own private hut in Bora Bora, I've always wanted to travel there. It's on my bucket list but I never imagined I'd make it there because I was always so poor. Now it's a possibility but as crazy as it sounds, I still feel shy when it comes to finances and Nash.

"Where are you from?" Matt asks and I turn my head to look at him, we've never really talked about personal stuff because it was all work and no play, I'm not sure if I even want to go there with Matthew. As long as my marriage to Nash remains a secret I can't really have friends, I wouldn't be able to invite them into my life. I'm okay with that because it's a small price to pay to be able to call the love of my life my husband.

"Cali," I reply, I don't ask him any questions because I really don't want to continue this conversation.

"That's quite a ways away, you must miss your family. I'm actually from Virginia so I can see my parents regularly." Matt comments and I nod without verbally replying to him. He doesn't get to continue the conversation because Nash comes up to us and Matt becomes rigid immediately, his fear of Nash is actually quite comical now. I know what a big teddy bear Nash is so to see someone be so afraid of him is weird.

"Thank you for a job well done," Nash tells him and shakes his hand. Matt clearly doesn't feel comfortable in Nash's presence so he nods and says his goodbyes before walking away to do some busy work.

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