Flicker in the Night

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The debate is tonight and then election day is next Tuesday. I feel like I'm more nervous than Nash is, it's probably because he's been through this before. I just want everything to go great for him, Carter doesn't deserve his place in the Senate. I know he's a puppet to the RNC and all he would do is their bidding, he can't think for himself. It seems like everything he says has been written for him instead of coming from him.

I'm at the office for Nash's campaign in North Carolina, we decided not to run the campaign from his senate office because things get hectic the closer it gets to Election Day. We have volunteers out in the streets handing out pamphlets, I bought prime time commercial slots on all of the local channels and I also have a group of people making phone calls.

Even with the falling out with his mother, his father still spoke out in support of his son. Despite almost daily calls from his mother, Nash hasn't returned any of her phone calls. I can't help but feel a little smug because everything she said was complete bullshit, she thought I was nothing to her son when I am, in fact, everything.

Nash is out doing some photo ops, I didn't accompany him because there's just too much to do here.

There's some commotion at the front of the office and I look up to see Nash's mother making her way to me.

"Nash isn't here," I tell her quietly and return my attention to the schedule that I'm working on.

Coordinating all of the interviews, photo ops and appearances is tedious but necessary. Every scheduled meeting is on this schedule and it's my lifeline because if it's not here then I won't remember it at all.

"I'm aware of that," she says flatly and I look up at her with my eyebrow raised. I really do not have time for her drama. "I would like to speak to you."

"Mrs. Grier, I really don't have time for this, I'm very busy right now trying to make sure Nash's campaign runs as smoothly as possible." I tell her just as flatly, if she thinks she's going to bully me into speaking privately with her then she is delusional.

"This won't take very long," she replies and I let out an annoyed sigh because I know she won't leave without talking to me and we're surrounded by people who would immediately report any drama between his mother and I to the press. They have no ties to Nash, they're only temporary employees until after the election.

I turn and walk into Nash's private office, she follows me and I close the door behind her.

"How much do you want to leave my son?" She asks and takes out her checkbook, my jaw drops slightly as I look at her incredulously.

Out of all the things I imagined she would say that was not one.

"You're with him for his money, no? So, how much do I need to write this check for so that you can leave my son and we can return to normalcy? You must be the reason why he went crazy and divorced Lea, I don't know what you did to entrap him but I'm willing to pay whatever it takes for you to leave him," she looks expectantly at me as if the next words out of my mouth are going to be the ones she's waiting to hear.

"No amount of money in this entire universe could ever make me leave Nash." I reply bluntly and I know Elizabeth is the last person who would ever want this to getting out into the open so I feel comfortable enough to show her what I mean.

I lift up my left hand to show her the ring that symbolizes my love and commitment to the love of my life. Her checkbook falls to the floor and her hand goes to her mouth as she stares at my hand.

"Oh my god," her words are muffled and I give her a confident smile as I put my arm down. She looks horrified, as if I just gave her the worst news in the world. I know it's something I have to get used to but, my heart pangs with hurt at the fact that my husband's mother truly abhors my existence.

"What did you do to my son? He would have NEVER done this on his own, did you blackmail him? Oh, God my son is married to a man!" She exclaims, her thoughts seem to be moving rapidly as if she can't actually comprehend what I've just informed her.

"I didn't do anything to Nash, he loves me. He fell in love with me, I fell in love with him and he asked me to marry him, Lea never loved him she used him for his money but somehow she gets your approval. He's truly happy with me, Elizabeth." I tell her and I en her a small smirk, tears start to fall and it's crazy how much I think she's overreacting. It's not like I told her that Nash is dead, Nash is a grown man and his life really shouldn't affect hers.

The door opens and we turn, Nash stops when he sees his mother and then he enters slowly closing the door behind him.

"You married a man," she states flatly and he nods without hesitating.

"The love of my life," he says softly and makes me smile because he's so amazing. He comes up to me and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my temple and smile at me.

She gasps at Nash's display of affection, I'm sure she's seen him kiss Lea but I'm certain she didn't react like she's doing now. I hug him back and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Nash, I don't understand. You've never been..." she trails off and waves her hand at us.

"Not that you've been aware of, mother." He tells her and her eyes are as wide as saucers. I really feel like laughing in her face.

She thinks that I corrupted her son but really he corrupted me. I've never had such an intense relationship as I have with him, I've never had such rough sex or been dominated the way Nash does with me and I love every single bit of it.

She stares at us for a while without saying anything. I have so much I have left to do so I kiss Nash's lips gently before stepping away and going back to the main office. I close the door behind them to give them privacy because I know she won't be leaving until she speaks to him privately.

I continue what I was doing prior to being interrupted and when I'm don't they haven't left the office yet. I want to go back in a be nosy but there's still so much to do prior to the debate.

I leave the office and pick up Nash's dry cleaned suit for the debate. My baby is going to look so fucking sexy that all anyone will be able to focus on is him. As I'm leaving the store I spot Lea walking down the street. Her belly has grown and she looks worn down, I wonder what she ended up doing after Nash kicked her out of his office, well I guess I kicked her out but still. She must have moved back home,maybe her parents took her back in.

I get into the car and drive home to drop off the suit before I head back to the office.

When I arrive,I immediately go into Nash's office. He's sitting at his desk staring at the wall and I frown because he looks distraught.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask him quietly and I go around the desk to sit on his lap.

I press a soft kiss on his lips and he wraps his arms around me, he buries his face in my neck and I can feel tears start to soak into my shirt.

"Nash?" I ask him, my voice wavers a little because I'm getting scared at what might have happened.

"3 years ago Lea got pregnant with my baby, she aborted it and my mother helped her." He says thickly and my heart drops for Nash because I know that the news has hit him hard.

His mother is a vindictive bitch who decided to drop this bomb on Nash on such a stressful day for him. I know she did it to get back at him for what she found out today but this was absolutely uncalled for.

Does she realize that she just lost her son?

A/n- ugh what a bitch amirite?

Update what next?

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