Say Something

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Nash cries into my neck and I want to comfort him so much but I know there's nothing I can say that will heal that wound. The knowledge that Lea aborted their baby will haunt him for the rest of his life. I'm sure he'll always wonder what his baby would have been like, he or she would have been three now. I want to kill them for doing this to Nash, I want to kill her for telling him for the sole purpose of hurting him, what kind of mother does that?

She's disgusting.

I rub my hands on his back, trying to comfort him any way I can, I can't tell him that it's going to be okay because it's not. This isn't something I can fix with a few words and it hurts me so much to see my love distraught and I can't do anything about it.

"It's just so fucked up, she's a vindictive, selfish bitch. I'm so sorry they did this to you, baby. I'm here for you, always." I murmur in his ear as I continue to rub his back and comfort him.

"I couldn't get through this without you, Cam." He whispers and he sounds so defeated. My Nash is so strong and it breaks my heart to see him like this.

I kiss the top of his head gently and he lifts his head to look at me.

"I love you," I say simply and a ghost of a smile graces his face.

"I love you too," he replies softly and we hug tightly.

We take a few more minutes of rest before we continue with our prep for the debate tonight. Even though Nash is still reeling from the news that he should have been a father right now he still goes through with the debate.

I watch from the sidelines and I'm so proud at how he maintains his composure throughout the debate. We knew Carter was going to play dirty and we prepared for it, Nash has a rebuttal for everything that Carter says and he grows increasingly flustered with Nash's calm replies. Nothing Carter says fazes Nash, Nash doesn't bring up anything personal like Carter attempts to, we have a lot of dirt on Carter because he hasn't been the most careful with anything.

Nash just brings up things that are political in nature as examples as to why Carter should not be elected. By the end of the debate Nash is obviously the clear winner, I can't wait to see the poll results. Nash has had the lead but after this his lead should skyrocket and leave Carter in the dust.

We hug briefly when Nash comes off the stage and there are reporters ready to interview Nash fresh from the debate. I stand off to the side and watch my husband answer questions calm and collected. He always maintains his composure even though I know he's dying inside.

Every supporter gets a handshake and a smile after his interviews are done and he greets those who stayed after the end of the debate to meet him.

It's late by the time we get to our house and when we arrive there's an unfamiliar car in the driveway. We get out of the car and when we do the car doors opens and Nash's parents get out of the car.

I roll my eyes because after the highly stressful day the last thing Nash needs to deal with is more drama from his mother.

"What?" Nash snaps at them and his father is taken aback by Nash's hostility, who knows what lies Elizabeth told him.

"That's no way to greet your parents, Hamilton." Chad admonishes him and Nash scoffs at his words.

"Well considering the fact that Elizabeth assisted Lea in aborting my baby, I'd say that's the perfect way to greet her." Nash states coolly and Chad's eyes widen dramatically. "Oh, didn't know Elizabeth is a hypocrite? She's all pro-life until it's someone she knows then the tables have turned."

Elizabeth didn't seem to expect Nash's hostility in the presence of his father but clearly Nash no longer gives a fuck. The knowledge that Elizabeth assisted his ex-wife in aborting his baby is something that he'll never forgive Elizabeth for. I know he's hurt by the fact that Lea would abort his baby but didn't do anything with her current pregnancy. They were married, more than capable to handle being parents but Lea took that away from him. I promise myself that when all of this craziness is over, we'll work on finding a surrogate and having our own children.

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