𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 . . . one summer at Cousins Beach changes a girl's life more than she ever would have imagined.
❝ my whole life was measured in summers ❞
« the summer i turned pretty season 1-? »
« fem oc x jeremiah fisher »
I WALKED INTO the kitchen behind belly. I could smell a strong scent of brownies immediately.
"Can't we watch something different?" Belly asked, walking into the kitchen.
"But we always watch It Happened One Night on the first night." Laurel exclaimed.
"We could find something else." My mom said.
"Yea, we could watch Philadelphia story instead." Susannah said. Belly smiled, but then moved her head in a way that made her look like she didn't want to.
"I'm gonna dip, I'm kinda tired." I said.
"Yea, I'm kind of tired too. I might just go to bed." Belly said.
"Ok, yea sure." Susannah said. "We can uh... we can do brownies another night." I could hear the sadness in her voice, probably from the fact that we were skipping movie night this year. Before this year, I have never skipped a movie night. It was weird. Me and belly smiled at them, and started walking towards the stairs.
Belly followed behind me, walking into our room. She picked her phone up off her bed. I assumed she was gonna call Taylor, because I don't know who else she would talk to.
"Why am I hearing from you?" I heard Taylor yelling from Belly's phone. "You never call me on the first night."
"Where are you going?" Belly asked her.
"To a show." Taylor responded.
"Hey Taylor." I yelled, talking to Taylor.
"Hey Lilah!" Taylor said in, sort of, an excited voice. Even though Taylor doesn't like any of Belly's friends, she's ok with me. It might be because I've known her as long as Belly, or because we have a lot in common.
"Belly, what's wrong?" Taylor asked.
"Tonight, Conrad and I were talking by the pool," Belly started, and I made kissy faces at her. "It was just the two of us, and it... felt different."
"Good different? See, I told you." Taylor said.
"I don't know. I mean, Jeremiah, Luke and Steven came down, and then they all just left and went to this thing on the beach." Belly said.
"Ohh yeah earlier Luke told me it was a huge party." I said
"Party? Why didn't you guys go with them?" She asked us.
"Like I care about a beach bonfire." Belly said.
"Well I do?!" I yelled.
"Yea well, it's not like they invited us." Belly said.
"Who cares?" I said.
"Exactly. They don't own the beach." Taylor said.
"Well, I did talk to this one guy, who asked me to come." Belly said.
"No way, that means we can go!" I said.
"Come on girl, go have fun." Taylor exclaimed.
"But, I don't like that guy." Belly said.
"Who cares? There'll be more guys there." I said
"Exactly! And Conrad will be there." Taylor pointed out. "Go to the bonfire, get in his eyeline, and same for you Lilah, just with Jeremiah instead. "
"Wait what-" I said, but Taylor interrupted me.
"Let them see you all dressed up and looking cuteee." Taylor said. I was trying to comprehend what just happened.
"Look in your duffel bag, I've gifted you and Lilah my secret weapon." Taylor said. "Not to keep, obvs, just to borrow. You see them?" Belly pulled out two dresses, one glittery, pink and short, and one pink and mid length.
"No way in hell." Belly said. I started laughing, because I knew I would be wearing one of those.
"Belly, nothing's ever going to happen if you're alone crying in your room in your big T-shirt, waiting for the boys to come home. And Delilah, you're wearing the sparkly dress." Taylor said. I shook my head up and down, smiling and belly looked at me.
"But, you'll be able to see my underwear underneath it." Belly said.
"So wear a thong." Taylor said.
"No. Thongs are unhygienic. Wearing a thong is basically like flossing your butthole." Belly said. Taylor started laughing and saying ew over the phone.
"Belly, thongs are mainstream," She said, still laughing.
"Shut up. We'll go." Belly said.
"Hell yeah we're going." I yelled. Belly held her dress up, looking in the mirror.
Me and Belly were trying our best to be quiet as we were walking down the stairs. I could hear the TV that our moms were watching. We made tiny, tiny steps trying to get past them. If they caught us, my mom would have killed me when she saw what I was wearing. We tiptoed past the kitchen. They both laughed at the TV. Me and Belly stopped for a second, right behind the moms. We both smiled at what they were watching. We finally started walking again, and we made it out the door without getting caught.
As we were walking down the beach, we were laughing so hard. I could see the beach from where we were, and I could already tell this was gonna be amazing.
"You ready?" I asked Belly. She smiled, and looked at me.
𝑾𝜪𝑹𝑫𝑺 : 786
𝑨/𝑵 - this chapter is short mb !!
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