Nize Raza (.3)

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Three months! Finally, after three whole months, something was happening!

"Get their weapons." Captain Panaka instructed Melinoe, along with the three other guards.

A group of the Viceroy's droids were taking the Queen and her entourage to one of the nearby prison camps after the young Queen had refused to sign the Viceroy's treaty. That he needed for the Trade Federation's little invasion to become legal.

As the group were passing through one of the plazas when a pair of Jedi and a Gungan jumped down from a nearby balcony. The Jedi were quick to start cutting down the surrounding droids and giving instructions to the Queen

"Woah. Yousa guys bombad!" The Gungan yelled.

Melinoe gave him a confused look while taking the guns off the destroyed battle droids.

The group once again started moving and headed between two buildings.

"We're the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor." The older Jedi stated.

"Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador." One of the Queen's governors replied.

"The negotiations never took place. It's urgent that we make contact with the Republic."

Melinoe took a step forward. Casing Panaka to give her a bit of a confused look for a split second.

"They've knocked out all our communications, Sir." Melinoe told the Jedi Master.

"Do you have transports?"

"Yes Sir, In the main hangar. This way." Melinoe said in a self-assertive and bright tone.

As Melinoe guided the group down the alleyway, she could hear the sounds of alarms going off in the distance, but didn't think much of it.

Once they made it to the hallway outside the Central Hanger Melinoe moved over to a side door leading to the central hanger. She, the Captain, and the older Jedi all scanned the room to see several ships being guarded by about fifty battle droids or so.

"There are too many of them," Panaka stated.

"That won't be a problem." The Jedi said and turned to the Queen "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."

"Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people."

"They will kill you if you stay."

"They wouldn't dare." The governor gasped.

"They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her." Panaka said.

The Jedi and Queen Amidala continued to argue quietly back and forth for a little longer before the young monarch agreed to go to Coruscant to plead her case to the Senate.

"Either choice presents a great danger." The Queen turned to her handmaidens. "... to us all."

"We are brave, Your Highness." One of them replied.

"If we are going to leave, Your Highness, it has to be now," Melinoe stated. Wanting to move this process along.

"Then, I will plead our case to the Senate." The Queen looked over to the governor. "Be careful, Governor."

The group made their way through the door to the main hanger and headed towards a sleek chrome spacecraft. Leaving two of the handmaidens and the governor behind.

Panaka turned to Melinoe. "Nize, go free those pilots."

"Aye Sir." Melinoe reliped while heading over to the group of twenty or so guards, ground crew and pilots.

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