The Tragedy of Darth Viveza (.1)

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Warning: Murder, Attempted Child Murder, Almost Frostbite, and Child Abuse


Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.

Melinoe has never known true peace. Ever since she was a child, there had been no rest: only fear, anger, and pain.

Born on the planet Csilla in 54 BBY to Nize'etune'rrazi (known as Nietune to her loved ones), a caring woman and a committed healer, and Hypnos, a proud man and a member of the Jedi Order.

Melinoe's birth was initially celebrated by her mother's family. This happiness quickly turned to concern when the child was discovered to be force sensitive like her father.

Nietune feared for her daughter. She knew that no matter what she did, she was more than likely going to lose her daughter. She didn't want her to be taken away and forced into the lonely existence that was being a Jedi, but if she stayed and her people found out about Melinoe's abilities, she would be killed on sight.

In the end, Nietune didn't let her sentiment get the better of her. She made Hypnos promise to take Melinoe to the Jedi Order. Where she would be safe. Hypnos did so but warned that it would take time. Maybe if Nietune knew what was going to happen to her precious child and her lover, she would have done things differently. Unfortunately, this has all passed, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Hypnos later disappeared after he made his promise to Nietune. Melinoe remembers nothing of her father. Except for the things he left behind.

Life went on. Nietune continued to work, and Melinoe helped out in any way she could. Melinoe learnt a lot of useful things while working with her mother. Such as how to repair beaten bodies and mend broken minds. She even earned her full chiss name, Nize'linoe'rrazi, from doing so.

Growing up among other chiss was strange for Melinoe. She looked much more human than chiss, with the exception of the blue diamond birthmarks on her cheeks.

Her cousins would often ask their parents why Melinoe didn't look like them. They didn't mean anything by it. They were just young and didn't know any better.

But honestly, her appearance wasn't the biggest problem for Melinoe. The fact that she aged like a human is what really bothered her. You see, a chiss tends to age reasonably quickly by human standards. By the time they reach the age of ten a chiss will have grown to the size of a twenty-year-old human and be considered fully of age.

It can be quite jarring to have grown up around children who mature twice as fast as you. One day you're all the same age playing and joking around as children do. But then suddenly everyone else is all grown up and want nothing to do with their 'annoying child cousin'.

Melinoe tried to never complain, but Nietune knew that this situation took a toll on Melinoe. It was just another thing that helped alienate from the rest of her family and people.

Nietune would offer reassurance whenever she could. She knew deep down that her little one would achieve great things one day, and that she would most likely do this far away from Csilla.

Right before the girl's eleventh birthday, Nietune rushed into her daughter's bedroom. Pushing her into a nearby closet, giving her instructions to head to some nearby caves in the mountains when she saw an opportunity to escape.

Melinoe didn't see the men breaking into their home. She did see them firing their blasters. She didn't see her mother fall to the ground.

But she heard it. She heard the shots. The screaming. Her mother's body hitting the floor. Everything.

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