Till Another Year (Final)

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There was always something so cathartic about duelling for Melinoe. Especially when her master wasn't there to watch her every move. The feeling of being free to go all out on an opponent. There was no chance of Heiss' mind torture stopping; Melinoe was gaining victory.

But despite Heiss' lack of presence, there was still Maul. It was somewhat hard to spot if you watched the duel between the two Siths and the two Jedi, but Kenobi and Jinn were much more in sync than their Dark Side counterparts.

The Jedi jousted as a duo. Working together against their enemy. While Maul and Melinoe fought as if the other wasn't even there.

At first, Melinoe was amused by the looks of surprise and betrayal on Kenobi and Jinn's faces. Especially the older Jedi. He truly had no idea of her true intentions. But unfortunately, this feeling was short-lived as the four of them continued their fight further into Theed Generator Complex. Making their way across several catwalks. While clashing blades and dodging blows.

The cavernous room was filled with the noise of heavy machinery. The sounds of their boots thudding against the metal frame of the catwalk and the clash of their lightsabers.

Lightsabers flashed as Kenobi and Melinoe locked blades.

Melinoe could sense anxious feelings coming from Kenobi. Confused and somewhat angry thoughts that he was trying to push down.

The fight continued with Kenobi and Jinn covering each other and giving the other openings to attack. The Jedi eventually had the two Sith pinned between them. Forcing Maul and Melinoe further down the catwalk.

While Melinoe's focus was fighting back against Kenobi, Maul caught Obi-Wan and Melinoe off guard and sent Melinoe crashing into Kenobi with a powerful force push. Sending the both of them over the railing. Falling to the levels below.

Much to Melinoe's surprise, she felt her arm being grabbed. He looked up to see Kenobi with one arm tightly holding Melinoe's wrist and the other holding onto a lower catwalk.

The two of them stared at each other. Both were surprised at Kenobi's actions for a second that seemed to stretch on forever.

Kenobi swung Melinoe back and forth in order to toss her back up on the catwalk. Kenobi spared Melinoe a quick glance before looking around for Qui-Gon, who was in pursuit of Darth Maul.

Melinoe stared ahead as Kenobi ran after his master.

"What the hell just happened?" Melinoe asked herself.

"A Jedi just saved your life," A voice whispered in the back of her head.

Melinoe felt something burn up inside her. Humiliated by the thought of having to be saved by that self-righteous, smug bastard. She leapt from the floor and chased after the padawan.

Melinoe followed after the other force sensitives toward a small door at the far end of the power station.

One after the other, the four of them made their way into a small corridor lined with several arches. The arches lit up before Jinn could reach Maul at the end of the hall. Blocking the passage into five points. With Jinn trapped at the end of the hall, Kenobi trapped in the middle, and Melinoe caught right before the entrance.

Jinn looked back and gave Kenobi a meaningful look. Silently saying to trust him. He then kneeled on the floor. Meditating as he waited for the shields to go down. The man had faith in his abilities and that the Force would guide him to victory.

But Maul had something Jinn didn't. Maul was younger and more vigorous. As well as a bigger drive to succeed. Kenobi made up for everything Jinn lacked when they fought together, but without his second, Jinn was outmatched.

Force of Nature: Book 1 - The Shadow Traitor | A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now