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The two force sensitives stood in one of the corridors of the ship. Staring each other down. Not knowing what to say. Melinoe eventually decided to be the one to break the silence.

"What was that, Kenobi?" She asked. Feinting ignorance.

Kenobi blinked in confusion. As if he had just woken up from some kind of haze. "My apologies. I thought I heard... something."

Melinoe nodded her head. She started moving away. Only for Kenobi to reach for her arm. "Are you alright? You seem anxious."

"Do I?" Melinoe said with a smirk. The moment Kenobi found her, Melinoe's walls went back up. "The boy and I were talking. He misses his mother. It reminded me of my own family."

Kenobi let go of her arm. It didn't seem like he was expecting that answer. "I'm sorry."

Melinoe looked back at him for a moment. She could tell he didn't completely mean it. Kenobi had put himself in a situation he wasn't ready for and was trying to somewhat remedy it. "It's fine. I'm just being silly."

Melinoe started moving away. Only to have Kenobi follow after her.

"The boy. Anakin? Did he say anything else to you?" Kenobi asked.

A small smile appeared on Melinoe's face that was much more earnest than her previous smirk. "We talked about the weather."

Kenobi gave her a vexed look. "That's not what I meant."

"Well, how am I supposed to know that?" Melinoe joked.

"You're a very exhausting woman to be around." Kenobi sighed.

Melinoe felt a strange ping in her chest when hearing that. There was something mildly amusing about it.

"Are you worried about the boy?" Melinoe defected.

"I... No, no, I was just checking in."

Kenobi must have realised that the guard was trying to leave the conversation. He silently nodded his head and turned to go check on his Master. Melinoe, in turn, narrowed her eyes in suspicion but turned her head and started moving in the opposite direction.

The Jedi were messing with her head, and the sooner she was rid of them, the better. After checking in with the captain, Melinoe fell asleep against one of the walls of the ship.

She opened her eyes and found herself standing in a large meeting room surrounded by Jedi. All whispering among themselves until tiny green Jedi spoke up. "Master Qui-Gon more to say, have you?"

Melinoe snapped around to see the Jinn with a thoughtful look on his face. "With your permission, my Master. I have encountered a vergence in the Force."

"A vergence, you say?" The smaller Jedi replied curiously.

"Located around a person?" Another Jedi asked. Sounding more concerned than curious.

"A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have ever seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."

"You're referring to the prophecy of the ones who will bring balance to the Force... you believe this boy is one of the chosen ones?"

Quiet whispers filled up the room, but Jinn kept his focus on the Jedi Masters in front of him. "I don't presume..."

"But you do! Revealed your opinion is."

Force of Nature: Book 1 - The Shadow Traitor | A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now