The Child (.4)

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TW for a panic attack at the end of the chapter.


"It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace." The voice of Qui-Gon came through Kenobi's comlink.

"What if it is true and the people are dying?" Kenobi asked.

He and Melinoe had just finished watching a distress transmission from Sio Bibble, begging the Queen to return to Naboo at once. The transmission had claimed that there was a rising death toll, and the only way to stop it was by giving in to the enemy's demands.

"Either way, we're running out of time." Qui-Gon then turned off the comlink.

Melinoe internally rolled her eyes. She had been tracing their location to her masters since they left Naboo. So the Jedi's concerns had long come to pass.

Kenobi let out a sign and sat down in the chair next to Melinoe. The two had moved to the cockpit so as not to concern the Queen with more news of delays.

"I still don't understand why we must go about it this way," Melinoe told Kenobi.

"We can't just take what we want," Kenobi replied. Knowing that Melinoe was referring to her previous statement about taking the hyperdrive from the slaver.

Melinoe scrunched her nose in disgust. "The lives of millions of people may be in danger, but your master is more concerned with wasting time doing business with some dirty slaver."

"We need to trust in the force," Kenobi told her.

"Your master says that when he wants you to shut up, doesn't he?" Melinoe asked. Kenobi gave her another incredulous look. Melinoe could tell that she was starting to get on Kenobi's nerves, even if he tried his hardest never to show it. While Melinoe was trying to rile the padawan up, she still believed that it wouldn't be much of a loss if the slaver did die.

The two of them sat in silence for a while. Not really knowing what else to do at that point. Melinoe stared out at the dusty wasteland outside of the ship. She tucked her legs in. She started absently thinking about Eglantine. Hoping she was doing alright back on Byss.

"Why did you join the guard?" Kenobi asked. Causing Melinoe to snap back to reality.

"You mean how did I join the guard?" Melinoe said. Knowing that he was wondering how someone with her attitude had such a high rank.

"I fell into it," Melinoe answered. Continuing to stare out into the night. "I needed work and happened to make my way through the ranks quickly... What about you?" Melinoe asked quickly to stop Kenobi asking for more details. "How did you become a Jedi?"

Kenobi paused before answering. "I was taken in by Order as a child, like most Jedi."

"What was that like?"

"It was... fine," Kenobi answered. Not really knowing what else to say.

"You're not a very good storyteller."

"I wasn't aware I was meant to be entertaining to you."

"You are, just not the way you think." Melinoe smiled. There was something cathartic about watching the Jedi awkwardly answer her silly questions.

"Have you always lived on Naboo?" Kenobi asked.

"For about... eleven years, but father was always moving around for work. It hardly felt like home."

Melinoe could tell that Kenobi didn't trust her. He was trying to get more information out of her under the guise of friendly conversation. This wasn't the first time Melinoe had met someone who didn't completely believe she was who she said she was. Hopefully, Kenobi would be meeting a similar end to them.

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