Final Move (.6)

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"As soon as we land, the Federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty." Panaka pointed out to the Queen.

He, Melinoe, the Jedi and the Gungan all faced the Queen and two of her handmaidens. Discussing the plan of attack for when they arrive back on Naboo.

"I agree... I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish by this." Jinn questioned.

"I will take back what's ours." The Queen stated firmly.

"We're low in numbers, my majesty," Melinoe added. "We'll be at too much of a disadvantage if we can't find allies quickly."

"And I can only protect you. I cannot fight a war for you." Jinn said in a solemn tone.

The Queen looked over to the Gungan.

"Jar Jar Binks." She called out, causing the Gungan to look around the room confused.

"Mesa, Your Highness?" He asked.

"Yes. I need your help."

Before they landed, Melinoe made sure to check up on the Queen. Just one more time before heading to the cockpit. Before she could leave, Padmé stopped her.

"Nize, how are you feeling?"

"I don't understand why you ask, my lady," Melinoe told her. "You really don't have to worry about me."

"But... you're worried about something,"

Melinoe paused. "I'll admit I'm concerned about forming an alliance with the Gungans. You know better than I do about how stubborn their leader is,"

"What would you do if you were me?" Padmé asked curiously.

"... Well, I'd be upfront with him."

Padmé hummed in thought. "Thank you, Nize. I'm sorry for taking up your time."

"It's fine, my lady. No harm in talking for a bit," Melinoe said as she left the room.

Everyone was rushing around as the silver ship started to make its descent to the lush green planet. As they approached, one of the pilots pointed something out to Melinoe. "I have one battleship on my scope."

"It's a droid control ship," Melinoe confirmed. "There's no turning back now. They're likey already spotted us. Continue with landing."

Once they entered the atmosphere, the crew made sure to land somewhere in the forest that would be hard to find. Giving them more time to put the plan with the Gungans in motion before the Trade Federation found them.

Melinoe once again found herself with the young Skywalker. Making sure he didn't try to wander off somewhere. Skywalker kept looking up at Melinoe. Seemingly thinking of asking a question but stopping himself.

"What's the matter?"

"I... I don't really understand what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I understand we're trying to get Jar Jar's peoples' help, but I don't understand what people want the Queen to do."

"They want her to sign a treaty to allow military occupation and confirm Naboo's stance against the taxation of trade routes,"

"But they're not against it?" Skywalker asked. Still a bit confused.

"Yes," Melinoe confirmed as they continued to walk through the forest. "It's all ridiculously complicated and corrupted if you ask me."

Force of Nature: Book 1 - The Shadow Traitor | A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now