Empress came Through Pt2

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Previously :

Rocky is dying laughing inside. It is taking all of his self control to stop himself from throwing one of his famous one liners. He saw how flustered she got when she saw him checking her out earlier. And if looks could kill, he'd have been dead by now. Smiling to himself he went towards where Regina is giving food to everyone.

At present :

When it is his turn, while taking food tray from her, he holds her hand instead of the tray by mistake or deliberately no one knows when it comes to Rocky. Regina got surprised and kept on looking at Rocky. "Who is he? Why is he different? How did he come here?". All these thoughts kept running through her head giving her a headache. They got out of their trance when the guards started pushing Rocky to move ahead.

Once she's done distributing the food, she asked the KGF guards as well to go ahead and eat except 2 of them who'll accompany her people to distribute the food to the others. The guards move away to have their dinner, Vanaram is supervising downloading the boxes from the food van, Vishnu Vardhan along with the others went ahead to distribute the food leaving Regina alone to interact with the people.

Regina taking her chance went to speak with who seems to be their leader (Vittal, she got to know his name earlier). She approached him and started speaking casually but sneakily placed both of them in such a way amongst the others, that no one can see what they are doing but at the same time, the guards & vanaram can still see her vaguely enough speaking with him. Once she made sure that no one is paying attention to them, she gestures towards the food tray he got in his hands, asking him to slide the top part a little. His eyes widened looking at another small box hidden under the tray of food given to them. She gestures for him to remain silent & spoke to him in a low tone.

Regina : It has some food that can last a little long.

(I'm not gonna explain everything in dialogue, but basically she informed him of the different things that are there and how long will they remain good to eat).

(The tray consists of :

1.Sandwich : lasts till the next day

2. Packet of Bread : Lasts till 5 days

3. Packet of biscuits : 12 months

4. Bottle of glucose water & some basic medicines)

Regina : Hope this helps in some way.

Vittal joins his hands to express his gratitude but she quickly shuts him down gesturing to the guards and went away from there towards Vanaram. Vittal gestures everyone not to eat till they reach their tents area fearing they'll throw away their trays after having food without knowing about the hidden box. Regina observing this loudly ask them to go ahead and eat at their tents if they feel more comfortable there.

Soon they reach the tents area to see the others sitting with their food trays and the guards were almost done with their work and started to leave. Once everyone starts moving away, Vishnu along with another 2 of Regina's people approach Vittal with 3 boxes and tells him that is the extra food for people who are not able to assemble and opens the boxes gesturing him to come closer. He along with a couple of others move closer to the box to see extra food packed, but Vishnu slights moves the first layer of food trays to show some rations along with some lasting foods such as biscuits & glucose and quickly closed the lid sensing the 2 KGF guards approach and went away from there along with them.

Vittal is in shock recalling everything that happened that day. He thought he would have to ask Kencha to distract the kids again from the hunger, but that seems to not be the case. Instead they got better food than what they usually get. Not only that they were given rations which he knew will last them atleast a couple of days, if used sparingly and food that lasts a little longer. He came out of his thoughts when Vijay asked him why he told them not to eat the food there. He took a look at his surroundings and slowly started explaining to them about the small hidden box beneath the tray of food and what it contains along with the rations they received. Everyone is shocked and in deep thought. Eventually they came out of their stupor and starts enjoying their dinner for the first time with a new hope. The children especially loved their dinner. Once done, everyone went to their respective tents.

But Rocky is still sitting there looking at the fire in deep thought. "What is she? Good? Bad? Is she really not aware of what's happening here? If not, then why did she have to provide rations and the extra food in such a sneaky way? If she knew what's happening then is she going to do something about it?

On the other hand, Regina is in her room getting ready for bed. Seeing the people and their reaction to having decent food, she feels more guilty. Even though she is not the one who is treating people like trash, she still feels responsible as it is her family who is the reason for their condition. she is in a dilemma on how to tackle the situation. Whether to discuss with Garuda & convince him? will it work? will it backfire? She is not sure about anything at this point in time. She'll wait till marriage and try to speak with Garuda. If it doesn't work, then she'll help them escape from here no matter what. Meanwhile she needs to make some arrangements & contingency plans. If Garuda does refuse her proposal, then everything needs to be in place to make a quick getaway for the people. Lots of work to do and so little time.

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