Capturing the Empire & the Empress

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There is utter silence. Everyone is in shock, still not able to believe what happened before their eyes.

Kulkarni : Garuda is dead.

Andrews : Say it again?

Kulkarni shouts: He killed Garuda sir.

Everyone came to know about Garuda's death. Like Suryavardhan said, the vultures were waiting. Some were waiting to destroy KGF, some were ready to kill, some ready to be killed & some were even ready to come back from death. But the fact that another's footsteps have fallen there, this nobody knew.

Rocky emerges from the water & ascends the steps to the statue of Goddess Kali. But on the way, he drags Regina who is still in shock, by her hand & stands in front of the Goddess's idol. He tied the Mangalsutra around her neck. Feeling someone touching her, brought her back to her senses and realizing what's happening , she tries to get away from him, but in vain. He did not relent. He forcefully filled her forehead with sindhoor. Seeing her struggle brought the people out of their shock. Guards under the command of Vanaram came out of their stupor & step forward to kill Rocky & protect their empress. If 400 people with guns were ready to kill Rocky, 20,00 people with nothing except for the courage given by Rocky were ready to die for him. With that courage they surged forward & killed the guards. Meanwhile Rocky forcefully married Regina & captured both the empire as well as the empress.

Powerful people comes from powerful places. When Andrews said he'll give Bombay like a lollipop, for Rocky even that vast ocean seemed like a well. He went searching for that ocean. When he saw Garuda, it confirmed that "Here is a man who came from that powerful place". That is why even though he had the chance, he did not finish Garuda. He left him. To obtain KGF, he needed an army, that's why Rocky killed Garuda in front of every one and injected them with courage. Now they are all his soldiers.

The day Kencha narrated the story of the emperor & empress, that day only he decided why to be just an assassin? Why kill Garuda only to make someone else the king when he can be the emperor himself? The moment Kencha mentioned that empress is coming to fulfil her destiny, it triggered a memory of the conversation he heard Andrews having with Daya.

Flashback :

Daya : Heard the empress is coming to KGF at last and the marriage will take place on the day of Kaali Pooja?

Andrews : Information is correct only. She's going to turn 21 the next month and has already completed her studies. So yes the marriage will take place and we have to make sure Garuda is dead before that. This marriage should not happen.

Daya scoffs : Don't tell me you believe in that rubbish prophecy. We are living in the 21st century for god's sake.

Andrews : May be. But why take risk? Also we cannot deny the fact that whatever that purohit said till now had come true. We already have witnessed it multiple times. We'll be fools if we do not heed the warnings. So, I do believe who ever marries her will be the emperor of KGF and will live a very long life. So, Garuda should be killed before the marriage.

Flashback ends.

That day only he decided to marry Regina and his resolve grew ten fold after seeing her for the first time.

Deepa Hegde : Where are her personal bodyguards? Didn't you said that she is the most protected person in KGF and her guards were specially trained? So how come none of them were able to protect her?

Anand : Destiny works in mysterious ways. None of her guards were there at the pooja that day. They were away handling some other work for Regina. She convinced them that Garuda's guards will be there, so she need no additional protection. But she never thought that that day only she'll need them the most.

Deepa : What is so important that all of them had to go to handle?

Anand (with a mysterious smile) : Who knows!!

Note : This is the end of Book1. The story will continue in the next book. She'll take active part in the next book. Just a heads up, her plans are for long time and she works most of the times from behind the scenes. It'll take some time to come out and be an active player in the game . So, my request : please have patience.

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