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      Two children had laughed and ran along the hills together, swearing they'd spend eternity together, convinced that life couldn't catch up to them and snap them back into reality

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Two children had laughed and ran along the hills together, swearing they'd spend eternity together, convinced that life couldn't catch up to them and snap them back into reality. It was an odd sight, a small girl with the biggest smile on her face, red bows holding her hair into pigtails while her hand was held tightly in the grip of the young boy's. He'd looked at her with adoration, unable to hide the obvious crush he had on the younger one. Anyone could see it, he failed miserably at being subtle.

Passing strangers would aww at the sight and continue with their day, leaving the two to share teasing remarks as they chased one another into the overgrown grass that had been left without cutting for a long time. Giggles would ricochet through the gaps as they played hide and seek until the sun set, reminding them that they must return home where they knew his brother would be ready to scold them for being late. After that they'd go their own ways, the girl returning to her parents where he'd go to the sweet embrace of his brother, swearing they'd see each other again tomorrow to repeat the day once again.

Except that didn't happen and eventually the laughter died down and happiness became a rarity. Red ribbon that had once been moulded into bows was quickly replaced with perfectly straight silky hair that laid down her back. While the boy's hands used to hold hers, it was quickly replaced with gloves and a cane that failed to hide the secrets he held, a reminder to who he had become.

The two young children who had been foolish to create such promises of a lasting unity had went their separate ways. While one stayed exactly where he was, at the bottom of the barrel, the other worked her way up the social hierarchy and built something for herself. Even though she did this, she allowed herself to indulge in her past, thoughts drifting to the ghost of someone she once knew.

       Kaz Rietveld didn't exist any longer, he'd rebranded himself to be someone to be feared and hated, a shiver of agony inflicted on those who dare speak his name. Yet, a part of him remained with the little girl with red bows and a wide grin that could bring the strongest soldier to his knees. It angered him, how she could live life so lavishly and here he was, stuck in the barrel fighting for survival. They both had the same upbringing, however, only one managed to get out of that trap that enclosed the two souls, remerging as a new woman who was loved and accepted by those around her.

     Deep down they'd always be connected, violence brought them together and something like that couldn't just leave a person. He knew things about the girl that could scare those who practically worship the ground she walks on. Imagine how they'd react when they discovered she wasn't this perfect angel that she'd innocently crafted for herself. When in fact, she was actually just a conniving witch whose enemies' bodies would mysteriously turn up tortured and mutilated in the river the next day.

After all, who is going to suspect loveable Raina Dimitrov to do something so deadly?

      After all, who is going to suspect loveable Raina Dimitrov to do something so deadly?

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