3) i know you

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"You should have seen her"
Steve said as he sits down with the other Avengers who are currently sitting at the table

"She's tough, please.."
Nat replied with a smile, she's probably the only one in this room who knows y/n before after all they have a past together, as roommates in the Red room, it's  hardly to believe it but they develop a special bond that is more than just a friendship. The two used to trust each other blindly, entrusted their lives to each other, but above all they got through this time together.

"She was paralyzed, petrified, you wouldn't have believed what you saw there"
Steve tries to convince the others, but as he said in these two years with y/n as a newcomer, the Avengers have also experienced a lot of things, and not infrequently it was close, even when y/n faced death, fear was never a reaction, she has rather a very provocative nature and if someone points a gun at her she reacts with an almost mischievous grin or laugh, she's also never really serious, which is one of the things steve doesn't like about y/n because he always says she acts too much like tony in female.

"She's a great agent, my god it can happen to anyone"
Natasha defended y/n, even if she can't believe this statement herself, she tries to convince the others.

"You didn't see that fear in her eyes, not like that... Believe me..."
says Steve but this time no one really knows what to say. Everyone knows Steve wouldn't lie to anyone, but they also don't know  y /n like that. After a moment of silence, Tony gets up, walks a few steps away and turns back to the others.

"Maybe she should just sit it out,"
he said.

"You want to withdraw her from the mission? Oh come on, you know her."
Natascha objects, and judging by the facial expressions of the others, everyone is somehow aware of that

"Romanoff's right, she's stubborn, it won't be that easy."
Clint agrees with her

"He's going to kill her next time, what if she's alone and it happens again?"
ask Steve.
Nat looked at him in amazement, Steve Rogers, yes, of course he was always concerned about the well-being of others, but Nat realizes that it's different than usual. The concern in his voice and the way he behaves after this incident, she already noticed it before but now it's clear.

"Shouldn't we ask ourselves why?"
Bruce asks the group.

"The reason doesn't matter at the moment, the safety of y/n is more important, don't you think?"
Steve probably convinced Tony, they both always cared about her extremely, Tony was after all the one who brought her here, saved her and gave her something when she had nothing, of course he feels somehow responsible for her, even if he's been always good at hiding it.

"Where is she anyway?"
Ask Nat

"Hopefully at home, I'll go there too, it's been a long day"
Steve gets up and makes his way to the door, but Nat interrupts him:
"You live in the same building right?"

"Even Same corridor .I'll stop by and see if everything is ok"
said Steve, the two of them don't have apartment or their own place to and since Nick Fury, or rather S.H.I.E.L.D, owns many apartments and buildings for the agents, he gave them the opportunity to temporarily live in one of his.

*Meanwhile y/n pov*

After the whole thing with fury I actually want nothing more than to change my clothes and go to bed, but I am aware that I wouldn't get any closer to the truth that way.
I know that this encounter means it's not over, that Hydra is still working on this weapon, I think I used to be a part of it too, but those memories are far too fuzzy. I wouldn't even know where to start to be honest. Well, today, today I'm not going to do anything anymore, after all, tomorrow is a day too

I walk into the house I've lived in for about a year , I shouldn't be dependent on Tony anymore and since Nick gave me the opportunity  of course I took it, there are a total of three other agents in this building, the others are normal civilians, so it's not even noticeable, a good strategy by Nick

Finally arrived on the fourth floor, i get inside.  even if I don't open any door i know  something is wrong.
You could call me paranoid, which I certainly am, but my gut feeling and my nose tell me that someone was here, or maybe is.

I make my way down the long hallway, all the doors are locked and it looks just like I left it.
I slowly open the rear door, the door to the kitchen and dining room.
A dark shadow sits at the table, the moon is extremely bright today, and through a small crack, it shines into the kitchen, just onto his eyes.

"Don't take it as an insult but I hope you understand it's no surprise to me that you're here"

I tried to say a little colder than I actually am, he couldn't have come in here at all. But how is he, no, there are definitely more important questions.

"I remember you....I was where you are too, right?"

He just stares at me without blinking, without changing his facial expression, no reaction at all.

"Okay.... So you're not that talkative huh?"

Suddenly he gets up, pushes the table away with the momentum with which he got up and points his gun at me.

"Is that your way of talking? You know guns pointed at me aren't really effective...."

I would be lying if I said I don't mind this situation, after all winter is more solid than any others.I've read a lot about him, and actually he doesn't let anyone who has seen him live, and now here he is....

"You were a part of that project too, weren't you? The super weapon... The biggest and most important project hydra ever worked on,"

I inquired, probably not expecting an answer, it's all like monologue

"Why are you here? You would have killed me long ago if that's what you want..."

Maybe he just wants to enjoy it like a pure psychopath, he wants to see the fear in the eyes of his victims and their life leaves their bodies. Or there is much more behind it, it's the second encounter and he hesitates again, if you can believe all the stories then that's not at all what winter soldier does more solidly, he doesn't think, he doesn't feel anything, he does what he has to do and cold-heartedly kills every single one who gets in his way.

It gets quiet, so quiet I can hear my own pulse, he just looks at me, gun aimed at my head, but he doesn't turn away, I do the same, just stare at him.
A bang snaps us both back to reality, he points his gun towards the door and I take my chance because what he doesn't know he's not the only one with a gun so I raise the gun and shoot at his right arm.  I don't want to kill him just wound him 'cause it seems he's the only way to find something out, maybe to find the truth behind all of this

"Y/n get out of here"
shouted a man whose voice I definitely know, it was Steve, the question is what the hell is he doing here?
It seems like the Winter Soldier just ignored me, he started bleeding but damn he was Tough, he walked towards Steve, gun still ready to fire.

As he opens the door to my living room and looks in, Steve ran across from the bedroom and jumped at him.
From the kitchen I only hear that they are demolishing my whole living room while the two are fighting. .

I could help Steve, I could also call for backup, but it's probably too late for that, because the winter soldier rips out my front door by jumping out and Steve follows him.

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