7) trust, support, loyalty

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"that's madness"
Says Thor raging

"If we open that door it won't be five minutes and she'll be gone"
Trys to explain Steve, or rather justify himself and his actions

"We still have no clues as to where he might be"
Bruce informs the others as he comes into the meeting room with some papers and files.

"Is there any good news"
Tony asks almost desperately.

Bruce sits down at the table and opens some of the files, the others join him. Bruce seems concerned as he flips through the files.

Steve asks impatiently, but Bruce doesn't respond to Tony or Steve, he continues to search what he wanted to show the others.

"I wouldn't call it good news, but information"
He explains when he finally found what he was looking for. He pushes the file towards the middle of the table so that the others can see it too.

Steve is the first to take this opportunity, he straps on the file and submits the pages while the others look at him intently, when he's done he hands it over to Tony who's standing next to him.

"Bruce what does that have to do with her?"
Steve asks confused

"We should ask Nat, she admitted today that she knows something, didn't she?"
Replies Bruce

"The Red Room..."
Now Steve understands, and judging from the looks of the others, so do they

"Where is she?"
asks Tony, startled.

All 5 look around, concern and tension rising in the group, Steve is the first to have a clue so he runs as fast as he can into the training room, when he opens the door he finds an empty room.

"They're gone"
He called to the others who are also on the way, when Tony arrives he goes back into the room where Y/n is supposed to be, he looks around and finds a small piece of paper between the paintings.

"I'm sorry but you can't lock me up, not now, you have to understand, I don't know who I am, I don't know what happened, and I feel like the Winter Soldier can help me with that. Whatever it takes right?
In love y/n"

Tony reads  the little note out loud.

"They can't Be that far away"
notes Tony

"Well then....suite up"
Steve ordered

*A few hours later*

"You know they'll find us"
I said worried.
It's been like 7 hours since we left and that means they know we're gone and they'll be looking for us. Unfortunately, Steve and Tony don't have the trait of knowing when's  enough and when to let go and give up.

"No if they find me, and you'll be long gone"
Nat smiles sideways at me for a moment before focusing on the road again.

We stick to country roads, no surveillance cameras, few cars, the risk of being found is very low, but they're the Avengers, if they guess where we're going it won't be long before they find us.

"You betray the Avengers..."
I explain to her worried, of course I'm glad not to be locked up anymore and to finally do what I have to do, find the truth, but I never wanted to do it this way.

"You may not remember, but we made a promise to each other: trust, support and loyalty. I made that promise to you years ago, I don't mind if the Avengers see me as a traitor."
Explains Natasha to me calmly and without concern.

"I am sorry"
I apologize to her, she looks straight back at me with her warm smile

"Hey, it wasn't my decision"
She explains to me gently

"I don't mean that... well... I'd like to know how it was... I mean it seems like we were close but I don't remember"

Of course I get along with all of the Avengers, even Bruce is more open with me now which I really appreciate, but with Natasha it was different, we have a past and it seems like we're more than friends, for reasons that I don't understand myself I feel kind of guilty.

"Hey, I'll keep my promise, but that doesn't mean I endorse it. There are things you don't want to remember."
She explains to me, it even sounds familiar to me, that's what Nick meant too, but is it really so reprehensible that I want to know the truth, that I have to know it, after all this is about my life.

"But I also know you need to know, I would do the exact same thing"
She continues to explain as if she could read my mind which makes me smile, she doesn't exaggerate when she says we actually know each other well.
She also sees my smile and smiles back

"Everything will be fine sweetie , just maybe don't expect too much for the beginning.... And stick to the plan..."

"Yes yes I know, report every 24 hours, otherwise you will hunt me"
I interrupt her

"Don't hunt, find... There's a difference"
She starts laughing.

I asked serious but also worried

"I see it..."
She answers me, her laughter stops when she realizes that someone is coming very close to us very quickly.
It's a black Rover, we don't really stand a chance against it.

I yell at her

She scolds, we're driving in an older, inconspicuous car and we're already driving at maximum speed, but that's not enough.

I pull the steering wheel toward me from the passenger side, allowing the black
Rover to narrowly pass and overtake us

"A little warning would be nice"
Nat tease me at

"He would have rammed us, that would be worse than a turning manoeuvre..."
I try to explain to her, but suddenly another car hits us from behind.

The car rolls over, everything happened so fast.

"Y/n?, Y/n?"
I hear very softly and muffled, between the loud ringing in my ears.
My vision is blurry and it takes me a moment to realize what has happened.

"Stay in the Car"
Nat orders, after she somehow managed to get out of the car.

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