8) i choose not to

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A loud bang makes y/n flinch and brings her back to reality.
Adrenaline shoots through y/n's throat as she sees Natasha fighting someone.
She avoids her opponent's punch by a hair's breadth by ducking under his fist, he doesn't see the punch coming from her that she is about to make with her knee, but he quickly pulls himself together, wipes the blood from his lips and pulls a knife from his belt.

The two look at each other for a moment, waiting for the next attack, the next blow. Romanoff stands still and just watches him to be ready, but everything happened too fast, the man is almost too good to be human, he is incredibly fast and strong, the next attack Nat couldn't ward off, he forces her to the ground, she's trying to get back up, it's clear this is a fight for life and death so she can't afford any kind of weakness

She hears him coming closer, he feels safe, she is still on the ground and waits, when he was finally close enough she makes him fall with a skillful quick move, he loses the ground under his feet but absorbs the impact with his left hand and rolls over.

Nat knows it doesn't look good, no matter what she tries, he keeps getting up, she lost her weapon during the crash and so she can't defend herself much, in close combat this man is simply superior to her.

Another loud bang; Romanoff becomes inattentive, distracted, she turns to the car y/n is in.
Another bang; the car that was very close to the cliff seemed stable, but now slowly rolls backwards and falls down the cliff.

Nat screams in shock and her opponent takes his chance, he runs to her but Nat is just concentrating on the car, thousands of thoughts are buzzing through her head but mostly sadness, she was the one who said y/n should stay in the car and now, now it's over.

A collision snaps her back to reality, she lost the ground beneath her feet and when she looked up she saw her warm smile.

said y/n softly

At first Natasha didn't realize what was going on; but then the view would become clearer.
Y/n threw herself in the Winter Soldier's path, pushed Romanoff away, saved her life.

"My fight is not over yet"
Added y/n.
A tear runs down Natascha's cheek, but she understands, so she runs away as fast as she can.

Now the gaze from y/n wanders to her opponent.
A black mask covers the half of his face and his long hair makes it difficult to look into his eyes.
He seems paralyzed and a spark of fear is written in his eyes.
Both just stand there, looking deep into each other's eyes, as if they were looking into each other's souls. The winter soldier's gaze now shifts to his hand, which is covered in blood.
He wanted to kill Nat, but he never expected that.
Y/n's breathing becomes faster and heavier at the same time, she loses a lot of blood through the stab wound in her stomach, the winter soldier looks y/n in the eyes again.
It is not fear, worry or anxiety; she smiles. To smile in such a situation is madness, isn't it?

"I Have a Better Trick"
She said, her smile getting even bigger, she took a few steps back, freeing herself from the knife that Winter still holds more solidly in his hand. He looks again at the bloodied knife and his hands covered in y/ns blood

"You're a super soldier too, aren't you? That would explain your strength and speed anyway. Like I said, super soldier or not, I win."

Declares y/n and now got the attention of the winter soldier, who is completely holding back, not attacking, just standing there.

strange purple fog appears around her hands that she had stretched out to the side.
As the fog disappeared she held two dagger-like swords in her hands, without hesitation she ran towards the winter more solidly, a very different tactic compared to Romanoff, she waited, considered, watched while y/n was always pretty offensive, and rather attack than think.

"My fight is not over yet"
With each blow she emphasized a word, but the winter soldier just dodged it.

"Stop it"

yelled the dark-haired man. The first time she hears him, the first time he says anything at all.
But y/n doesn't even think; he wanted to hurt Natasha, kill her and she has to just stop. No, that's not how it works.

Actually everyone is taught not to fight full of rage or desperation, that makes you weak, that's what they say but y/n is very particular about it, mostly full of anger and she fights better for others than for herself. So she tries another attack.

She runs up and jumps at the Winter Soldier, her swords crossed, but he blocks the attack without injury, the blades lodged in his left forearm; Amazement and confusion spreads across y/n's face.

The winter soldier uses this opportunity, he grabs her by the neck and throws her back, but luckily she can slow down the fall by ramming both swords into the ground.
Winter Solider approaches her while she is on the ground.
She looks up and sees him slowly approaching, and again an almost malicious smile spreads on her lips.

"Good fighting soldier, but not good enough... Never underestimate your opponent"

Y/n grabbed the right sword and threw it at him with a flourish.
With a loud scream he falls to the ground, clutching his leg in which the sword is stuck.

Y/n tries to get up, even if it is hart and it hurts her, she holds her wound with her right hand, which is starting to bleed more and more, she quickly tears her t-shirt and forms a piece of cloth around her stomach as a temporary pressure bandage.

Winter solid growls in pain, failing to get up as y/n I'm slowly approaches.

"Now we're even"
She said as she looked down at him, the man who is supposed to be so strong kneels in front of her in pain

"Come on.. do it..get it over"
He almost whispered, his breathing getting heavier and heavier.
Y/n grabs his hair, forcing him to look up, into her eyes.

"Being a killer is a choice, a choice I haven't before, but i have now ... So I choose not to kill you"
She said and kicked him in the face with her knee, causing him to fall back unconscious.

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