5) that's what friends do

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Luckily, the Tower isn't that far from my apartment, so being carried across the streets of New York on Steve's shoulder isn't quite as embarrassing.

"I swear to God Tony if you don't stop grinning that stupid I'll ruin your perfect face"
I threatened Tony annoyed.

People walking past us either look very confused or very amused, god damn I wish I could hate Cap and Tony, it would be a lot more comfortable and easier.

Suddenly Steve stops, Tony overtakes us, thank God we've arrived, that was by far the most embarrassing 15 minutes of my life.
Tony opens the front door to Avengers Tower through the fingerprint sensor and we all go in, no the two go in and I'm carried, that's a little more precise.

"May I down now?"
I asked Steve annoyed.

"So you can run away quickly? I'll let you down when we're upstairs"
he explains to me.

Great, the other Avengers must see it too, Tony smiles at me like he knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"Don't Tony...just leave it..."
I said weary as we all got on the elevator and went to the 7th floor.

Everyone gathers in front of the elevator door when they see someone coming, the expressions on their faces clearly show concern and determination, but what they see as the elevator door opens leaves everyone speechless.

Clint and Bruce stifle their laughter while Nat and Thor glare at Steve.

"You can't be serious"
said Nat

"Could you put me down now, I might not want everyone to see my ass"
I asked Steve, who didn't react and made his way to the trainings room

"We had no choice,"
Tony whispers to Nat, who glares at him all the more angrily

"What ?do you want to lock her up now?"
Nat asks, but she doesn't wait for an answer and follows Steve directly

"What happened?"
Thor asks worried

"The winter soldier was in her apartment she's staying here in the tower for now"
Explains Tony, without just looking at Thor, it was more an information for everyone, without waiting for a reaction or an answer, he makes his way to his laboratory.

"Are you okay sweetie?"
Nat asked me, while Steve was still holding me on his shoulder.

"Does anything right now looks okay to you?"
I asked her

"Rogers just fucking put her down"
Nat tried to reason with him but he didn't respond to her either.
He walked into the training room but didn't wait for Nat and locked the door right in front of her.

"Please don't try anything stupid"
Steve said and lowered me carefully, but still held me tight enough not to fall, when I finally got my feet back on the ground he takes a few steps back.

I just turn around, I don't even want to look at him anymore, because I know what's coming next, he'll lock the door behind him, they don't want me to run away so it's easier to lock me up.
Waste of precious time, time in which i could find out something but no, they have to lock me up now, under the stupid pretense that it's best for me, as if I didn't know better what's better for me, and now the question is who's here stupid and naive?

I hear his footsteps as he walks towards the door, before he can open it I pull a small knife from the waistband of my pants and throw it at him.

He stops, startled, when the knife sticks in the door just inches from him.

Of course I wouldn't hit him or injure him, but I still have to praise myself. It was extremely close, I guess I'm still not really out of practice, it was a really great throw though.

Steve pulls the blade out of the metal of the door, surprised at the notch where the knife got stuck. It was a precise and, above all, hard throw, as the blade almost completely got stuck in the solid metal.

He turns and walks towards me, I just stare at him, as emotionless as possible so as not to let me know.

"I know you're mad at me"
Steve said, stretching out his hand holding the knife

"Mad at you? No..."
I said and grabbed my right hand for my knife which he handed back to me.

With my left hand I grabbed his arm, with a full swing I throw him once over my shoulder and bring him down to fall

he tried to talk but I had him completely under control, with my left hand I hold his arms tight, my right leg rests on his neck and chokes off his breath.

I loosen my grip and put the knife to his throat.

"No Rogers, I'm not mad, I'm disappointed because I thought we were friends"
I explained him

"That's What Friends Do"
He rather stuttered while gasping for air

"No... I have no right to say anything, I'm not allowed to have an opinion, and even if you do it under the pretext that it's the best for me... Don't you think that I know better what that is is best for me?"
I asked him, even if I tried to be cold, heartless and emotionless, it didn't work because I'm betrayed by the people I trust a little and like..

"y/n please"

"Oh and by the way, super soldier or not, I'll always beat you in a fair fight, don't forget.. I'm a killer..."
I explain to him, but this explanation came across more like a threat. I don't really want to do that, but maybe he and the others understand what they're doing, apparently they don't even realize it.

I get up and go to the window from which you can see almost all of New York from above.
Steve is still gasping loudly and after a few minutes he gets up and is about to leave the room, but when he tries to open the door he stops and exhales deeply and loudly.

"You're not a killer anymore."
he said softly and disappointed

"Are you trying to fooling yourself? Or me? We both know what I am... And I always will be... That's what I was trained to do."
I explained to him without turning around

"Being a killer is a choice..."
I hear him coming closer to me again

"And you're right, it's not right, and yes you would probably win... But that just now... You could have killed me"
He stands next to me and looks out the window like me.

"You're not worth it, Rogers, you know.... Getting killed is a redemption, it's mercy... Living with the thoughts and the feelings and the pain that's the real curse."

He puts his right hand on my right shoulder and gently squeezes:
"We'll find a solution... I promise you,"
he said and left the room.

When Steve comes out of the room, Nat stands up, she has been sitting on the floor waiting for him
She looks at him in confusion as she sees his flushed thighs

"What happened"
she asked

"I guess I pushed it too far"
Explain Steve disappointed, rather disappointed at himself.

"It's not the right solution, not the right way"
Nat tries to explain to him again

Steve turns around screaming.

"Do you love her?"
Nat calmly asks, but Steve doesn't answer, he looks at her worried and sad until he turns and leaves.

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