Part 1

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"I love you so much. You must believe me."
"I believe you," she said softly, "because in your eyes, I see what I feel in my heart."

- How to marry a marquis by Julia Quinn

Gauri nervously step inside the cold flat. She was already shivering due to fear and the freezing room was making the matter all the worse. She hugs herself nervously. You are doing this for your family. She kept the chant going in her head. There was no way she could go through with this otherwise. She hears the door opening and quickly looks up to see Daksh coming.

"He is calling you inside." Daksh tells her.

"Did he give you money?" Gauri nervously asks him.

"He did. I will make sure your share reaches home."

"When should I call and check with them?" Gauri asks.

"You don't trust me?" Daksh asks frowning.

"I don't want to take any chances." Gauri replies.

"Tomorrow at 4 call your house and check."

"If they say they didn't get the money I'll leave." Gauri warns him.

"Don't do anything stupid. You don't mess with Omkara Singh Oberoi. He'll kill you and me if we take his money and you run away. Actually, he won't kill us but he will definitely make us wish that it would have been better if he had simply killed us." Daksh angrily tells her.

"Then make sure the money gets home." Gauri tells him suddenly gathering courage.

"I will. Now go inside, he is waiting for you."

Gauri nods and she nervously turns to look at the bedroom. Seeing her hesitation Daksh asks her suspiciously "You are not a virgin, right?"

"No." Gauri replies irately.

Daksh frowns watching her a few seconds then he quickly leaves shutting the door behind him. Gauri stood there looking at the door Daksh had exited through; she wondered whether she should lock it. As far as she could discern only she and Omkara Singh Oberoi were here in this apartment. She decides to lock the main door and nervously walked towards the bedroom.

Gauri with shivering hands opens the door and steps in. She was finding it difficult to breath. She was going to throw away her life. But you are doing this for your family.

"Gauri, right?" Omkara asks her.

Gauri nervously looks up at the man. She was surprised to find a young handsome man lazily sitting on the couch with his leg stretched out. She was expecting an old butt-ugly fat man, but this guy was so perfect except for the cigarette in one hand and alcohol on the other. She wondered why he needed a mistress that too a paid one when he could have his pick of the women from the elite class, for free. She nods her head in yes answering his question. She had been displayed before him hours earlier that time she had been too nervous to look at him and now she couldn't take her eyes off him. Truly, God spent an extra hour in making him. He gets up and walks towards her leaving his glass on the table, a lazy predatory walk. She felt uncomfortable as his eyes roamed over her body. Seeing his eyes lingering over her chest she pulls down her dupatta covering her chest.

"You know why you are here, right?" he asks her and she nods in reply.

He moves closer to her, and then she feels his hand on her shoulder. She nervously looks at his hand and sees it moving away from her and sees her dupatta going with his hand. "I didn't pay for you to see your fake modesty." He tells her.

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