Part 4

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"Sorry... I... I... I'll not do... that again." Gauri manages to say without crying.

Seeing her heartbroken expression Omkara without a word quickly leaves, slamming the door shut behind him. The moment the door closed, Gauri starts crying. Why couldn't she stick with her resolve and treat him distantly? Why is she letting him hurt her every time? Gauri cries for a while then once she was tired of crying, she wipes her tears and decides to gets some work done. There was no use crying over Omkara Singh Oberoi who didn't even care for her a little bit.

Omkara couldn't take her heartbroken expression out of his mind. He cursed himself for worrying about her and cursed even more for hurting her.

The rest of the day, Gauri went on to redecorate the house. Everything was ready and all she had to do was set it up. After slogging for the whole day, she stood and admired what she had done to the house. Now it was a home, a cozy home. Gauri thought proudly.

By evening time, Gauri had forgiven Omkara for being rude to her. She was even thankful to him for making her realize her place, that pain was much better than having her heart broken. She hears the door bell ringing and hurries to open it.

Omkara sighs in relief seeing her smiling at him happily. "You are early today." Gauri tells him happily.

"Is that a problem?" Omkara asks in an arrogant tone.

"Of course not." Gauri says chuckling.

Omkara steps in and takes in what she has done to the room. He looks everything over and without a word walks to the bedroom.

Till the moment he had walked away without a word, Gauri didn't realize that she had wanted him to appreciate what she had done. She had worked hard for it and he didn't say anything and that hurt a lot. She kept looking at the bedroom door hoping he would come back and say something. Then she saw him walk to the bathroom to take a shower. Gauri stood there trying to fight her tears for a long time. Finally, she didn't cry and she found a little victory in that.

After dinner, they were in bed lying side by side. Each waiting for the other to say something, after what he said in the morning Gauri was not sure what she was supposed to do and Omkara didn't know what to do after the way he had hurt in the morning. He sighs loudly and closes his eyes to sleep when he hears her turn, and he turns to look at her. They continued to look at each for a while and finally realized that words were not really needed for them and both come forward at the same time and starts kissing.

Three weeks later

"Omkara, wake up!" Gauri frantically shakes him awake.

"Wh.. what?" Omkara asks squinting at her, then seeing her looking worried and pale he comes awake quickly, "What happened?"

"I got my periods." Gauri says worried.

"Whaaat?" Omkara asks confused with a disgusted face.

"I got my periods." Gauri repeats.

"I really don't want a scene by scene updates on your life." Omkara says then shuddering he lies back on the bed eyes closed to sleep a little more.

"I don't have pad." Gauri says worriedly as she shakes him again.

"SO?" he asks growling.

"I don't have pads."

He growls again in reply.

"Please go buy." Gauri begs him.


"Please it is an emergency."

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