Part 9

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Part 9

Panic he has never known gripped him as Gauri's words sunk in.

"Let me go."

"HAVE YOU FUCKING GONE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!?!" Omkara furiously asks her as he gripped her arms and turns her around to face him.

"I have come to my senses now. I don't want to stay with you." Gauri says as she winced in pain.

Omkara knew he was hurting her but it was nothing compared to what he was going through at that moment so he doesn't ease his grip on her. "WHY DAMMIT?"

"I finally know my place in your life." Gauri whispers as tears started flowing from her eyes.

Hearing her say that he quickly leaves her and steps back realizing that whatever happened at his house was the reason.

"I am your dirty secret that you want to hide from everyone. From your mother." Gauri says as she looks out.

"Then what do you want? Flaunt you in front of my mother?" Omkara asks furiously not really knowing what to say or do.

"I know I am no longer that girl that a guy can take to his mother proudly." Gauri says as she gripped the window forcing herself not to break down in front of him, she wanted to leave at least with that much dignity.

"So that is what you want... huh?" Omkara asks her. "You want me to take you proudly to meet my mother? Then, after that, what? Marry you?" he asks her in disgust.

"You don't have to sound so disgusted about it. I know you will never marry me. I am not worthy of the mighty Omkara Singh Oberoi."

Omkara looks at her in shock not sure whether she had slapped him or herself by saying that. Did she think she was not worthy of him? When the truth was he was not worthy of her. Dammit he could never give her children.

He didn't contradict her and the truth was she wasn't expecting him to. "I want to go." Gauri tells him as she turned around to face him. "We are over."

"We are over when I decide it, not you!" Omkara furiously says as he gripped her arms and pulled her close to him.

"I don't want to be with you."

"I don't care. I decide things here and I decide what you should do, not you!"

"You don't own me." Gauri says furiously.

Omkara darkly smiles at her "I do. Did you forget that I paid for you?"

Gauri looks at him in shock as fear gripped her. She had thought he would let her go when she told him her decision. She had started to believe that he couldn't wait to be rid of her. "I'll pay you back. Whatever money is there in the account I will give it to you. and the rest... I will work and pay you back every penny."

"In this birth?" Omkara asks her cruelly. "How can you get that much money, Gauri? what can you possibly do to make that much money?"

Gauri looks at him determined and says, "You don't worry about that. I'll pay you back."

Seeing the determination on her, a scary thought occurred to him and before he could process it or try to reason with it, his mind exploded and that question escaped his lips, "You found someone else, didn't you?"


The moment her hand touched his cheek and thundered his cheek he closes his eyes realizing that he deserved that. Gauri was not a whore. Her helplessness had made her choose a path like this but she was never going to make this her livelihood.

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