Part 5

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Omkara waited for her to open the door. He could hear her running to the door and he could hear the lock turning. He stood there in anticipation as he knew what he would see when she opens the door, she smiling at him as if seeing him was the happiest moment in her life somewhere deep down he knew it was. He sighs, thinking of the hold she had on him, for a week now he was coming here in spite of knowing that she had her periods because he couldn't sleep without her. And a part of that was also because he liked seeing the smile on her face when she sees him and that brought an unexplainable joy to him. He hated that she was taking so much importance in his life, precedence over his own family who were everything to him. He starts frowning getting angry at her for confusing him, he already had problems of his own and she was adding more to it. Then the door opens and forgetting his anger he looks at her surprised, today she was not smiling, she was beaming.

"Omkara..." she says his name happily as she opened the door for him.

He couldn't help the small smile that broke out of his face seeing the joy on her face, hell even his mother was never this happy to see him.

"How was your day?" Gauri asks him as she excitedly followed him to the bedroom.


Gauri couldn't help roll her eyes at his reply then smiles cheekily realizing he saw her do that through the mirror.

"Why are you bouncing?" Omkara asks trying to act nonchalant, which was becoming a hard thing to do.

Gauri shyly blushes and says, "Dinner is ready." Then she runs off.

After she was out of sight he finally smiles without holding back, it was always nice to be near her.

Omkara watches through the mirror, Gauri hiding something behind her back as she kept her eyes on him, not realizing that he was seeing her through the mirror, walking sideways to the bathroom. He wondered what she was up to. Whatever it was he couldn't bring himself to say anything to her to hurt her. After that remark about touching him, he had noticed how she never touched him and always hesitating and that had made him feel guilty, irritated and regretful. He hated seeing her hesitate with him. He sighs, she was driving him crazy. He hears the shower and sighs even louder. She would be naked in there, and he was plain horny. It's been 8 days since they had sex, yes, he was counting. Normally it lasted a week, right? He wondered then why was she taking so long with hers? Sighing he takes his cigarette and lights it. He had time to finish the cigarette before she was done with her shower. Hell! He apparently knew how long she takes in a shower too!!! He remembers her scolding him about not wanting to die of cancer, he chuckles he had liked her then itself and the moment they had kissed, he had felt a pull towards her, something he was finding difficult to break off and if he was honest to himself then deep down he didn't want to break that connection. It felt nice to have that connection with her, of all the people in the world, with her.

He flicks away the cigarette after he was done and his thoughts were making his mood darker. He was getting angrier by the minute and he decided to just go to bed otherwise he knew he would say something to her that he would regret and he didn't think he could go on living seeing one more heart broken expression on her face. He was about to get on the bed when he hears the bathroom door open. He turns to look at her and sees her poke her head out.

He stood there looking at her as she looked at him with her head out of the bathroom.

"What is it?" he asks being the impatient one.

She closes her eyes in a cute way meaning nothing.

"Then come out."

"No." she says and he could hear her blush in that one word then he starts smiling as he walked towards the bathroom forgetting his anger.

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