Part 13

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Gauri looks at the screen in shock. Baby? How can she be pregnant? Omkara can't have children then how can she be pregnant?

"I can't be pregnant." Gauri says as she stared at the screen looking at the dot that is supposed to be a baby.

"You are. It's exactly seven weeks." Doctor informs her.

Gauri looks at her in shock and then she turns to look at Omkara to get some answers to this miracle baby, or was it a miracle? His family would never accept her and they can never get married. So, what about this baby? Gauri gently caresses her stomach as she looks at Omkara and he was staring in shock, his face white as a ghost as he stared at the monitor.

"Omkara..." Gauri calls him to get his attention as fear gripped her heart for her baby. Omkara turns to Gauri with that same expression. "I'll not let you kill my baby." Gauri whispers to him in a voice filled with fear as tears stung her eyes.

Omkara's eyes widen in shock.


Without a word, Omkara turns around and walks out.

"OMKARA... OMKARA!" Gauri calls out to him but he ignores her and walks away.

Gauri lay there looking at the empty space that had been occupied by him few minutes ago. She hears someone clearing their throat and turns to the side to see the doctor and nurse looking at her very uncomfortably.

"Why don't you change? Whenever you are ready, come to the consulting room, I'll prescribe your medicines, give you a diet plan and general instructions." Doctor gently tells her and walks out.

Gauri robotically changes into her clothes while her mind was occupied with Omkara. Whether he is willing to marry her or not, she was going to have his baby. She will raise her baby. Omkara loved his family a lot and can never hurt them but just like how important his family is to him; their baby was that important to her. With that determination, she wipes her tears and walks towards the doctor.

Gauri listened to everything the doctor was saying, she tried her best to pay attention as it was about their baby but a part of her was still stuck on Omkara.

"Take care, Ms. Sharma. And I'll see you next month." Doctor tells her.

Gauri nods and starts to leave. "Erm... Ms. Sharma, the preventive measures we take are not always 100% success." The doctor gently tells her. Gauri looks at her confused not understanding what she meant by that. "I hope Mr. Oberoi realizes that." Doctor gently adds.

Gauri looks at her in shock as realization dawns, Omkara didn't leave because he didn't want the baby, he left because he thought the baby was not his. He said that he could never become a father and now she is pregnant. He thinks that she... Gauri couldn't even finish that thought; she turns around and runs out to look for him.

"Ma'm... ma'm... you haven't settled the bill." The receptionist stops her as Gauri was about to leave.

Gauri starts to take her bag when she realizes that she didn't have her bag with her. After she had fainted, Omkara had dragged her out of the flat without even letting her properly get dressed. She panics as she looks around for Omkara as she dialed his number. The call goes unanswered.

Tears were dropping from her eyes continuously as she tried Omkara's number. They were not even letting her go without paying the bill and he was not picking her call. Gauri again dials his number and it goes unanswered. Wiping her tears, she decides to call Mishra when she realizes that she didn't have his number. Gauri panics as she thought of what to do. She didn't know anyone else in this city other than Omkara, Mishra, and she had only Omkara's number. Gauri was helplessly trying to contact Omkara, it is been close to an hour now since she tried to get in touch with him and he has been ignoring her calls because he thought the baby was not his. She had been scared of losing him that she had come back and now she lost him completely because he thought she cheated on him. That she let someone else touch her. Gauri wipes her tears as she wondered for the first time maybe she shouldn't have come back, maybe she should have left then and they would have parted on good thoughts of each other instead of suspicion. 7 weeks. That was what the doctor said, but then wasn't Omkara in Banglore 7 weeks ago? Gauri's heart stopped beating realizing that the doctor had made a mistake in the baby's timeline and Omkara was never going to believe that the baby is his. Gauri wipes her tears as she decides that whether Omkara accepts their baby and her or not, she will make him realize that this baby and she were only his. Wiping her tears, she dials his number again and he doesn't answer the call.

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