Part 8

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

"Was she upset or something?" Doctor asks Omkara.

Omkara who was standing by the window as the doctor checked Gauri turns to look at him and asks, "What happened to her?"

"Fever due to fatigue, starvation and mental stress. From the way, her eyes are I assume she has been crying too." Doctor informs him.

Omkara turns back to look outside not able to take in the sight of her like this. Why was she upset? Did that man call her again? If he has caused her any kind of worry then I'm going to kill that bas***d.

"She needs complete rest and please make sure she eats on time." Doctor tells him. "I'm prescribing some medicines for her."


"Sir." Mishra replies nodding knowing what was to be taken care of. "Give me the prescription, I'll get the medicines."

The doctor leaves and Mishra comes back in as Omkara sat next to Gauri gently caressing her head after keeping the wet cloth on her forehead.

"Sir... there is no food here. I'll buy something from out and get the medicines and come." Mishra informs him.

Omkara turns back to Mishra furiously, "Are you mad? She is sick and you are thinking of giving her hotel food? Don't you realize how weak she is now?"

"I don't know how to cook, Sir." Mishra informs him worried and shocked seeing his Sir's concern for his mistress, he was starting to see what Sir's family has been going on and on about, Sir was getting too involved with Gauri but then he couldn't totally blame Sir for it, Gauri has that effect on people, he himself has kind of started caring for her like a brother does.

Omkara sighs loudly and then gently scoops up Gauri in his arms and walks out. "Get the medicines and come home. Call one of the staff at home and tell him to keep her food ready." Omkara briskly orders him as he walked out not even looking at the shocked and gaping Mishra.

Omkara nods at the servant as he kept the soup and cloth dipped in water. Omkara dips the cloth in water and then squeezing it, he spreads it out on Gauri's forehead.

"Gauri... Gauri... wake up." Omkara gently pats her on her cheek.

Gauri opens her eyes a little and she struggles to keep it open. Omkara gently helps her to sit up and starts feeding her. Gauri kept sleeping off in between and he gently coaxed her awake. In between he kept changing the wet cloth on her forehead.

"Have this medicine, you'll feel better." Omkara tells her as he slipped in the pills into her mouth and gave her water.

Gauri takes a sip and shakes her head.

"You need to drink water, Gauri."

"I am full."

"Have a little more." Omkara tells her.

Gauri looks at him and then in a bare whisper asks sadly, "Why did you leave me, Omkara?"

Omkara looks at her in shock hearing her question. Is that why she had fallen sick?

"Gauri, I didn't..." Omkara stops his explanation realizing that she had slept off again. He gently makes her lie down. Covering her with the blanket and changing the cloth on her forehead he moves to the chair next to the bed as he watched her lost in thoughts.

Omkara curses himself mentally for what had happened. He had planned to tell her that he would be away for a week but then that time Rudra called and calling Gauri his mistress in front of her and his mom being upset, he went insane and only when he had boarded the flight did he remember about not telling her. He had tried calling her only to realize that he had broken her phone. Since Mishra was with him he couldn't even have Mishra inform Gauri of his trip but he didn't think it was going to affect Gauri so much. He should have known better, he knew she was starting to fall in love with him, he could see that and he didn't want her to love him, what could he give her in return other than pain and heartbreak. He tried being cruel to her but every time his resolve broke when it came to her. He couldn't hurt her because he cared for her too much. He liked her and he didn't like that many people in this world, only a handful and she was one among them. He couldn't hurt her but to save her from future pain he had to be cruel to her. He still didn't understand how she could start to love him, all he had was money and fame, which meant nothing to her then what did she see in him that was worthy of love? Seeing her like this, he realized that things were getting out of hand, before Gauri starts to fall in love with him completely he had to end things. Once she gets fine, he'll tell her everything was over and she can go home or wherever she wanted. He had to let her go before he ended up ruining her life completely. If anyone in this world deserved a life, a family and children to call her own then it was her.

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