Part 12

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Gauri cups his face and tells him as tears fell down her eyes, "You ask me today... you ask me on my last day on this earth, my answer will be the same. If I can't have your baby then I don't want a baby."

Omkara leans towards her and takes her lips in his kissing her as if his life depended on it. Gauri hugs him tight as she kissed him back.

Omkara cups her face and tells her "I love you, Gauri."

Gauri's breath gets caught in her as she looked at him in surprise and shock. She had never thought he would say it to her.

"I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. You are..." Omkara struggles to find the right word to tell her how much he loves her, finally realizing that he could never express to her how much he loves her he simply says, "You are me. You are my very life."

Hearing him, Gauri bursts out into tears.

"Gauri?" Omkara looks at her worried.

"I love you, Omkara." Gauri tells him as she hugged him tight.

"Gauri, why are you crying?" Omkara asks her worried.

"Because I am happy." Gauri sniffs.

"Every time you cry, I die a little. Please don't cry." Omkara pleads her.

Gauri wipes her tears and smiles at him. "I stopped crying."

Omkara chuckles hearing her and he takes her lips in his again as he started removing her clothes.

Omkara watches Gauri as she played with his hand snuggling close to him. He wanted to ask her to marry him and he knew she would say yes. He wondered whether he should do it in grand scale befitting her or keep it simple. She would prefer the simple way, he realized. He smiles as he kissed her temple lovingly. Gauri turns to look at him and smile. Omkara smiles lovingly at her. Rudra was right, Gauri and Mom should meet. He wanted Gauri to meet his mother and that is when he remembered Gauri saying that she was no longer the girl a man took proudly to meet his mother. And he decided then and there that he will not take Gauri to meet his mom, he would bring his mother to meet Gauri. Gauri deserved nothing less.

"What are you thinking?" Gauri asks him.

Omkara shakes his head. He'll ask her to marry him when he brings his mother to meet Gauri.

Hearing his mobile ring, he picks it up.


"Listen... I can't make it for dinner tonight. Is tomorrow fine?" Rudra asks him.

"Dinner?" Omkara asks surprised.

"You invited me for dinner yesterday, right?"

"Oh yeah... just a sec." Omkara turns to Gauri and asks her, "Is it okay if Rudra comes for dinner tomorrow?" Gauri nods her head in surprise. "Yeah... it is cool."

"Okay great... I'll come around 7-ish... is that fine?"

"Absolutely." Omkara replies smiling and hangs up.

"Why is Rudra coming?" Gauri asks curiously as she sat up.

"I thought you two should get to know each other." Omkara tells her smiling.


"Listen, Gauri... yesterday I told Rudra everything." Omkara tells her.


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