Chapter 3

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Divit's Pov:

   Anger and regret are the only things I've been feeling for the past hour.  I never should've agreed to be a part of this family drama. I'm divit dhananjey, the top most lawyer in Madurai. I live alone with my two children in a big mansion outside the city. And all issues started when I decided to listen to my mom once.  To sum it up,  my mom wanted me to attend my brother's marriage preparations. They wanted me and my sons to come to visit the to be bride's home. But when we arrived with great reluctance to  their home ,  at a glance I know that the to be bride's family is the worst in the world.  From all the flattering and stupid superstitious nonsense they spew had my brain blocked.They even went on and joked about me being corrupted. I didn't know how it is a joke.   They didn't want children to ruin the auspicious ceremony by running here and there,  so they sent my children out. And as a father,  I can't let my children be pushed so I too stormed out not before throwing a disgusted look at them.  I wanted to just shout and cause a scene but mom stopped me. 

 My only life Surya and Chandra they were playing so happily in the garden.  But when I got a bit focused on a phone call from my client,  they both slipped out.  And from that moment I'm holding onto my dear life to find them.  They are the only life force that keeps me alive.  I can't lose them.  Right now I was standing in the street because a goddamn drunk idiot crashed into my car. I got a phone call earlier from Surya that he was waiting near some temple.  That news had me rush into my car.  But now this drunk driver who was the one clearly at fault is pestering me for compensation.  As a lawyer myself,  I didn't want to bend down and give him what he wants but the ticking time reminds me that I need my children safe in my arms.  Nothing else matters.  So I quickly took some money and passed it to that delinquent.  And before I get back into my car,  I did make sure to take a picture of his car's registration plate.  I'm not letting him off the hook. 

I drove as fast as I could. But I was already a hour late. And as for the cruel world,  I don't know how much my little boys have suffered . I pray for them to be safe. 

I parked the car clumsily  and got out. I ran inside the temple furiously like a mad man.  Everyone passed a weird look but who cares.  They can stare all they want.  I just want my children. I took my phone to redial the earlier number but as luck would it have it,  my phone was switched off.  Charge issues.  Huff. 

As I went near the outer space of the temple,  I heard my two champs laughter. My breath got hitched. Tears fought to be let out and anger washed over me but love dominated everything. They are going to get a earful from me. I went near them in lightning speed and scooped them in my arms.  First they flinched but as they recognized me,  they squeezed and hugged me back.  I was of ignorant if everything other than my champs now. They are safe and sound in my arms.  I kissed them all over.  I am strict dad usually but situations calls for different actions. Those little hands that clung over me brought a sense of relief and it did calm my racing heart. 

I missed them. 

I love them so much. 

They slowly struggled to get out of my arms. I let them down. "dad dad!" shouted Chandra. I got these two by their ears. "You brats , how dare you go out without informing me.  You gave me a heartattack. You two aren't going to get any snack for the next whole month. "  I said to then is stern and firm voice indicating the end of discussion. 

"We're sorry appa" Surya said in a genuine voice.  He's the wisest out of the two but this time they ain't getting off easily.  What would I have done if something happened to them?  I don't even wanna think about it. It gets tough to be angry at this two guiltless ones but I need to stand my ground so they could grow up good and disciplined.

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