Chapter 10

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Aadvika's POV :

 The humiliation still burns fresh. How could he judge me as someone who rips money off using children. Maybe I'm doomed to get humiliated seeing as how everyone from my in law family to complete strangers grab hold of the chance to poke at my wounded heart and pride. 

"Baby. Everyone seems to judge Amma.  From even my smallest movements, every thing is being criticized. 'This is wrong. That is wrong.  Don't do it Aadvika. You're unfit, ugly, ominous and Ill luck' I'm so tired of these sayings. And now to add on those that man says you're Amma is trying to scam his money.  Very bad, right?  " I grumbled as I walked through those streets.  "But baby it's a pity that we didn't get that house.  Chitra worked hard to get that for us.  Now what will I do? " I asked as If my baby would just give me an answer. 

The anger in me wanted to be let out somehow.  And as fate would have it,  there was a panipuri  stall. What other way is best other than eating your anger out?  I went to the panipuri making stall and ordered 3 panipuri for me and two for my child. Hehehehe. 

The green chutney and sour chutney mixed with potato smash in that poori was truly heavenly. As soon as I swallowed one,  I had this urge to eat more. But you know what,  life knows when to mess you up perfectly.  I was practically swallowing the whole poori and hear a chuckle when I hungrily ate it. After all it's been years since I ate pani poori.  I turned to see and was shocked when I met with the person to whom I just came out after shouting with dignity .It was none other than the


So embarrassing. 

Divit POV: 

After I came out of my trance, I realized it was only right to apologize. Ritu came out searching for Aadvika. Oops. When I said to her about my outbreak she became so dissapointed. Even Chandra and Surya didn't talk with me. So I took my car and went In search for her, I just had this feeling that she wouldn't have gone far. 

All the way,  I had this thought. What should I say?  I'm sorry for being a jerk due to my own insecurities or I apologize for being too judgemental?  I didn't know.  For the first time in life,  I was out of words.  Though the situation was created by me,  but her influence makes me speechless.  I don't know how much angry she would be.  She might be seething in anger that I can't cross the possibility of getting slapped.

I looked out the window to find her. There she was. Her black Saree bright under the sun. Her baby bump that makes her glowing. Opposite to my imagination of her seething in anger,  she was  gobbling down pani poori. I parked my car at a corner and crossed the street.  I thought she'll find me standing there but she was so focused on the wolfing down those pani poori. Her expression said it all about how she enjoyed the taste.  As she had another one,  she smudged all the chutney on her face, it reminded me of my little boys. A chuckle escaped my mouth before I could control it. 

She turned around and her cheeks burnt red. Woooww.  She got flabbergasted seeing me. She paid for the panipoori and started walking away. "Hey wait" I ran behind her to catch up. 

"Hey I know I was wrong but please hear me out. " She didn't even stop.  She kept on walking. I think she wanted to increase her speed but due to her pregnancy, all she could do was waddle. She hurried but unfortunately she was about to trip by a stone. I got her by her waist and avoided falling. "Aadvika, it's dangerous. Please hear me out. " 

Terror was evident in her face. I know if she had tripped,  the consequences would've been deadly. I told her to wait and went to get my car. Thankfully she was still too shocked to move away.  "Get in Aadvika " I said as I opened the door for her. She glared at me. "I'm not getting in. What if you think I'm trying to scam you to give me a ride. " oh god, I deserve this., "See I'm really sorry. I know I was a jerk but please hear me out.  First please get in. Let's just go and speak at home. It's not good to be out when it is this sunny,  it's bad for your child. " she seemed to be considering her decision. "See,  if I found you humiliating me anymore I won't think twice before slapping you right across your face. ""Sure get in madam "

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