Chapter 11

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Aadvika POV:

 I sat in my room deeply pondering the way life has turned. I thought I'd always be my parent's princess but it got crashed as my parents died. When I reluctantly married Vinay,  I thought I'll learn to love him but that too crashed as he turned out to be a irresponsible fellow. At the very least I thought my in law family would support and love me but that crashed as Vinay died. 

The only happiness was my child. It's been 8 months since Vinay died and my child came. But life has already started pushing me towards a new path.  I can't believe I've managed to find a house in the short time. All thanks to Chitra . With the new-found excitement, I went to count the money I've saved. 

Opening my dress cupboard,  I stretched my hand and took the purse which was hidden inside a god statue.  I sat over the bed and started counting. I'm only having Rs. 12000. That's strange. Last time I checked, I had Rs. 12800. Am I forgetting anything ? Or did I spend it?  This is driving me crazy.  The amount is not big but it still could help me cover a month's  grocery finances. Maybe I should start writing my expenses down on a note.  

I kept it back and switched off the light and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes and hummed a lullaby for myself and my little one.  I felt a kick. "Baby mommy needs to sleep so please kick slowly." I stroked my stomach. "Amma loves you to the moon and back. " it was peaceful. The wind chill enough to not catch a cold and the sound of the wings of fan moving. It seems surreal to have this moment of peace. 

As I slipped into sleep,  I awoke startled by a scream. I found my way to the switch and switched on the lights.  There were muffled voices audible from the hallway. As I travelled through the source of voice,  a hand dragged me inside store  room. The hand was rough and firm. It prevented me from screaming or pushing it away. 

I was scared. No matter how hard life is,  I didn't want it to end this way.  Not before I see my child. Child. My child. What shall I do?  I need to protect my child. Panic spread all through me. I could imagine thousands ways of how this night might end horrific for me if the person holding me is a thief or worse a murderer. Tears were at the bay ready to flood. 

Before I could act wise,  the person placed a piece of cloth and a ring in my hand and vanished into thin air.  I was discombobulated. Why did he leave me?  What was his motive?  As I dwelled deep  in my thoughts ignoring the nearing footsteps and shadow,  I was brought to reality by a sharp slap across my face which made me stumble. 

Holding my stinging cheek,  I looked up to find it was my maama (father in law). A single tear escaped my eyes due to the  pain.  "Aadvika,  I thought it was only right to keep you in this house as you are carrying Vinay's child but you always prove me wrong.  How could you even think of destroying your sister in law's wedding dress and try to steal her wedding ring that was given by her in-laws family " What was he saying.  When did I do that. I stood there numb. My ear was ringing due to the slap. I'm sure it would swell tomorrow morning. But apart from that why no one is speaking about the burglar who trespassed? And why would I even sabotage Vichitra's wedding dress and ring? Then I looked down at my hand. The torn piece of cloth and ring which made me the perpetrator of the situation. 

"I can't believe she did this because I told her to give her necklace to Vichitra. How can you do this,  Aadvika? Do you want her to wither away like you? " Paati spat right at my face. What did I do to deserve this? 

"Athai , She got rid of Vinay and now she is planning to ruin Vichitra's life. She really is a bad omen. Or I think it's all because of the thing she is carrying. Who knows if it really is Vinay's child? " My mother in law spat venom with every word of hers. Her hands poking my stomach. 

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