Chapter 16

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Divit's Pov:

Work really squeezed all my energy out. I dragged myself out of the car.  I glanced at Aadvika's home. She must be asleep.  So I made my way into my house and locked it again.

Chandra and Surya were still up and playing with their car toy which made me tiny weeny bit angry.
"You two know you should be in bed now since you have school tomorrow." I said as I placed my bag down and loosened my tie.

"But appa, Ritu Chithi (aunt)  told us to wait till she came down and read us a story. " Surya said smiling and crashing his car with Chandra's .

Ahhh Ritu is more childish than these little ones. Sighing  I unbuttoned the first three buttons of my white shirt.

"Vroomm vroom vroom dishum " those guys kept making noises at this night. 

"Surya, chandra get into your room now. I'd come and read you a story. " I said feeling more exhausted.

"But we're hungry " Chandra whined making me baffled.

"You must'vehad dinner earlier.  Why are you hungry now?  Did you play too much? " I inquired as I squatted down to their level.

"We didn't have dinner yet. " This surely made me angrier.

"What is Ritu even doing without feeding you? This girl , god she is itching for a whack. " I walked around the sofa up to the stairs when Surya spoke.

"Ritu Chithi is not in home. " he said as he continued dragging Chandra to their room.

I was really about to lose my temper.  How could she leave the children alone at home at this time of night without even feeding them. And she is still a small girl.  How could she roam around at this ungodly hour? Maybe I'm spoiling her too much.  I should give her a piece of my mind when she comes back.

Moving to the kitchen to quickly get something to eat,  I called Surya and Chandra back.

"When did she leave ? Did she tell you where she is going? " I asked as I placed two plates in front of them.  Turning,  I poured some dosa batter in the pan and added oil to it.

"10 minuted ago Appa. She said she is going to see Aadvi Amma. " Chandra said as he drooled at the sight of dosa.

I rubbed his forehead. I guess he is starving.

"Oh., then what is taking her so long. "
My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a blood chilling shout. 

It took me less than a second to realize it was Ritu's voice.

"Wait here and don't come out till I say" I instructed my champs and turned off the stove.

They nodded and I passed them some biscuits to munch on till I came.

I ran out and unlocked the house to see Ritu sobbing profusely and trying to say something.

"It's okay Ritu, calm down and tell me what happened? " I asked as I hugged her. Her hands clung to me as she tried forming proper sentences.

"Aaa --aaa" she was panicking now.

"Ritu calm down and tell me " I said as I patter her back soothing. She pointed at Aadvika's house and said,"Aadvika anna"

With that I sprinted right into her house and stopped right on my track when I saw her lying down in her own pool of blood near the stairs.

Did she fell down?

I rushed to her side.  I was feeling totally anxious but still stayed calm.  Aadvika doesn't need someone who would cause a scene but act wisely now.  I checked her breath and was relieved to see her still breathing.

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