Chapter 21

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Divit's Pov :

I wait at the entrance of the hospital as Ritu texted me she has almost reached.

Srivats came and checked Aadvika. He prescribed some tablets and has passed a scheduled diet.

She is now sleeping, after all the dramatic events. The little angel was also asleep after making her mom go crazy from all the crying she did.

Aadvika was hell bent on avoiding anything that made her speak about what happened yesterday night. The bracelet is still with me. So does the curiosity.

I sighed and looked around to see the familiar blue wagon r approach me.
What the hell is Tej doing here ?
My questions were answered as Ritu slipped out of the car with my two champs right after her.

The got out grumbling and took hold of a two suitcases and a picnic basket.

"Ritu are you by any chance running away? " I asked as she glared at me.

"I can't be as leisure as you. Aadvika and the baby might need many things while they are here. " she said as she gestured Tej to carry them and follow her. I now understand what's Tej role is. He simply has accepted his fate as a slave and driver to his sister.

Ignoring those two, I looked at my champs. Surya waited for me, while Chandra just kissed my cheek as I bent down and ran after his chithi to meet Aadvika .

" Appa, is the baby really going to be like Aadvika amma? " he asked as I kissed his cheek.

"Yes Surya. The baby is so similar to Aadvika and is very pretty like you two. " I said and got up. Surya clutched my hands as we walked down to her ward.

"But boys shouldn't be pretty. They should be handsome. " he said like he was tired of being called pretty.

I just ruffled his hair and extended a warm smile.

We were greeted with absolute silence when we entered Aadvika's ward. Those three surrounded the baby crib and was staring down at it with absolute silence. It was like, a little movement from them would disturb the baby. Surya got out of my hold and joined them to continue their baby research.

I let them look at her in awe and returned to my seat in the opposite couch. Aadvika was still asleep due to the effect of the tablets she in-took.

The fact that suprised me was Tej. I thought he would just leave the bags and go away. I thought he hated Aadvika so he wouldn't stay back to awe about the baby.

But the way he looks at the baby in glee, I can attest to the fact that she has him wrapped around in her little finger.

Seriously, these people literally stood and watched the angel sleep for an hour. And only diverted their attention when Aadvika woke up.

Thank god. I was also bored watching those four.

Surya and Chandra were the first to run to Aadvika and ramble about how they missed her for a hour they were watching the baby and how much they loved the baby.

I could already see a great change that has been brought by Aadvika into our life. It was boring and dull. Full of melancholy. But now it's filled with pure happiness everyday.

Tej took a seat beside me when Ritu joined their banter.

" Mom knows. " Tej said. His eyes were staring at Aadvika and his voice was low but not that of hate.

"Yeah , I know. " His eyes held shock but that was covered by the guilt.

"Do you hate me now? " he asked looking away from those people to me.

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